Introducing Touchpoint Playdates

A new way to meet people and talk about sex and partnership

Jared Matthew Weiss
3 min readApr 11, 2017


Photo by Anna Bouma | Touchpoint, April 2017

What happens when you put 100 strangers in a room and give them permission to speak candidly about the things they’ve learned in bed, in love, and in life?

You get Touchpoint, the town hall about sex and partnership that has hosted more than 1300 people over the past year in New York City.

At Touchpoint, we believe that when it comes to matters of the heart, there are no questions and answers, only questions and ideas. And at Touchpoint, all ideas are welcome.

We’ve discussed everything from dating apps to BDSM, monogamy to masturbation, and all the things in between. Attendees have told stories, recommended books and products, and discovered lots of new friends and partners.

According to Cosmopolitan, “Touchpoint promotes a type of openness that people may not even have established with their closest friends.”

Each month, at the end of Touchpoint, I’ve noticed that most people want to stay a while, sit amongst new friends, and keep the conversation alive. I see deep connections being cultivated — some friendly, others romantic.

And it’s these conversations — the ones that are happening in smaller, more intimate groups — that have inspired our next event series.

Photo by Anna Bouma | Touchpoint, April 2017

Introducing Playdates, a Touchpoint experience that brings people together to play a fun card game that sparks wild conversations about sex and partnership.

Photo by Anna Bouma | Touchpoint, March 2017

About The Experience

Playdates will be hosted in people’s living rooms. Albeit, large living rooms. Doors will open at 8pm and close at 8:30pm. Everyone will be broken into groups of five to play The Game That Makes You Better In Bed, an original card game that makes it fun and safe to talk openly about all the things. We’ll play for 90 minutes, and then do a full recap as a larger group.

About The Game

We’ve spent the past four months designing The Game That Makes You Better In Bed as a way to give people permission and a platform to engage in fun, candid conversation around sex and partnership.

Here’s how you play. Each card has an expression, word, or idea related to intimacy, i.e. being on top, contraception, foreplay, etc. When a player pulls a card, everyone else shares the first word or idea that comes to mind.

Beyond that, players are free to ask follow-up questions, tell stories, and allow conversation to flow naturally.

In the end, you’ll make new friends, hear (or share) some inspiring stories, and maybe even get a tad bit better in bed, in love, and in life.

The first Touchpoint Playdate will be April 27 at 8pm in Soho.
Space is limited.
You can grab tickets

I’m so excited to share this new experience will all of you.

Here. We. Go.

Love, Jmw.


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