Listen In As 100 Perfect Strangers Talk About Sex

New York City’s town hall about love & intimacy is becoming a podcast

Jared Matthew Weiss
3 min readFeb 25, 2018


Credit: Tucker Mitchell

Two years ago, I created the Touchpoint Town Hall with one simple, aquarian belief: we all have a lot to learn from each other.

It’s a monthly event where a hundred perfect strangers — representing different identities, orientations, cultures, and creeds — get together in a private location in New York City, and talk openly about the things they’ve explored in bed and in love.

As Vogue recently put it, “Touchpoint is neither sex ed nor therapy. It’s simply real people sharing real experiences, exchanging book and podcast recommendations, and, ultimately, creating a safe space to unpack all the equally awkward and awesome moments of modern sex.”

Since 2016, more than 3,000 people have attended, thousands of questions have been submitted, 20,000+ subscribers read the stories that emerge from our discussions, and countless lives have been impacted.

I’m excited to announce that, starting in March, we are going to audio record the Touchpoint Town Hall and share it as a podcast so that the world can listen in and learn along with us.

You can subscribe on iTunes, but below is a preview of things to come.

Credit: Anna Bouma

In the spirit of preserving the safety of the space and the democratic ethos of the Touchpoint Town Hall, we did not make this decision without first consulting the community of people who have attended over the years.

In a recent suvey, 74% of all previous attendees said they would be comfortable with the town hall being recorded as long as attendees could remain anonymous. And of previous attendees who had also told a personal story at a town hall, 90% said they were comfortable with us recording and sharing the experience as a podcast.

So in full pursuit of our mission and with the support of our community, I’m excited to open the digital doors, and allow a broader community of listeners into the world of the Touchpoint Town Hall.

Thank you to all the volunteers, attendees, partners, and friends who have contributed to touchpoint’s growth over the years.

If you’d like to apply to be a featured storyteller at Touchpoint Town Hall, you can do so here.

You all continue to be my greatest teachers.

Here. We. Go.

Love, Jmw.

About Me.

My name is Jared.
I believe that self-expression is the key to freedom.
I’ve spent my life building things that give people a voice.
I ask a lot of questions.
I’m always in overalls.
I live with my dog, Koj, in New York City.

For more info about my work, talks, and all the things, check out or follow me on Instagram.

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Get tickets to the next Touchpoint Town Hall

