Caramelized Fennel

low carb vegan recipe

Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2023


This recipe treads a very fine line between conceptual categories and distinctions such as Caramelized, Charred and Burnt. If you accidentally stray into Burnt territory, just tell your dinner guest(s) that the fennel has been charred ‘in the Bulgarian manner.’

2 bulbs of fennel
2 tbsp herb-flavored extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp fruit-flavored white balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp additional cooking oil (avocado, olive, motor, tanker spilled, etc.)

Makes 4 servings.

Heat the cooking oil at medium low heat in a large skillet.

Thinly slice the fennel bulbs with a mandolin or V-slicer and place in a large mixing bowl. In a small mixing bowl, combine the oil and vinegar, then pour onto the fennel, tossing to coat it evenly white ambidextrously salt and peppering to taste.

Sautee the fennel in the skillet until it browns very darkly so that you can call it ‘caramelized.’ Ideally serve it with Egyptian Sprite (Sprite from a soda machine in Egypt) which is the best tasting Sprite in the world for some reason.

Otherwise, you can always just do a web search on “what goes well with caramelized fennel” since it has a rather pronounced licorice flavor (so, for example, do not pair with licorice).

