Those little white particles are NOT parmesan cheese, but vegan bacon fat!

Pastas & Sauces

Carbonara Pasta #1

low carb vegan recipe


Nope, “carbonara” is not Italian for “carb sauce,” especially in this version.

1 package of shirataki (white noodles), 200g
2–3 strips (per serving) of vegan bacon
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil (for cooking the bacon)
1 cup ground almonds
½ cup nutritional yeast
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (for the sauce)
1 tbsp soy sauce or tamari
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 tsp garlic powder
½ tsp onion powder
Salt and pepper to taste

Variation: for more sauciness, add a splash of cashew milk after blending. For less sauciness, let the soaked ground almonds sit awhile, as the sauce will thicken over time.

The sauce makes 4–6 servings, while each package of shirataki noodles is one serving.

In a bowl, pour 1 cup of very hot water onto the ground almonds, stir and let soak for 1 hour.

One hour later, pour into the soaked ground almonds all the remaining ingredients (except for the shirataki noodles and bacon — and the 1 tsp of oil for heating the bacon, of course). Stir to thoroughly mix the ingredients, then pour everything into a blender to really mix it all together (this takes ~10 seconds).

Heat 1 tsp of olive oil in a small skillet. Scissors the bacon strips into very little pieces (imagine bacon confetti), and transfer the little vegan bacon bits into the skillet, where it shall be sizzled and cooked in ~2 minutes.

Strain the excess water from the shirataki package. Microwave the shirataki noodles by themselves, covered on high for 90 seconds, again straining any excess water from the noodles.

Transfer the shirataki noodles to a mixing bowl, then pour ¼ cup or so of the sauce from the blender into the bowl (adjust amount for taste and sauciness). Sprinkle the cooked vegan bacon confetti onto the pasta, give it all another toss and you’re good to go.

Optionally, sprinkle onto the carbonara grated vegan cheese and fresh ground pepper, if those flourishes rock your gondola.

