Cauliflower Buffalo Bombs

low carb vegan recipe

Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2023


1 cup Buffalo Sauce
4 cups of cauliflower florets thawed from frozen, or 1 head of cauliflower totally separated into florets
1 cup almond flour (or other low-carb flour)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any non-dairy milk)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
½ tsp paprika
Salt and pepper to taste

Makes a plethora of small bite-size servings.

Variation: air fry instead of bake.

Preheat the oven to 425°F /218.333°C.

In a smallish mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt and pepper until they are blended exactamundo. Then, add the almond (or other non-dairy) milk and whisk it all together again. Meet your batter! You have already met your Buffalo Sauce, because you made it first, following the recipe in the Protein section.

In a super massive mixing bowl (the kind that is very hard to find a place to store in your kitchen), dump the cauliflower florets. Because I’m lazy, I use thawed from frozen bags of florets, but you’re welcome to start with a head of cauliflower and break it up into crumbly pieces that make a mess and add to the cleaning work.

Dump the batter-gloop onto the florets and stir softly, evenly coating each floret. Then, dump the buffalo sauce onto the batter glooped florets, and stir softly again.

With a very large slotted ladle or skimmer (so the excess glooped sauce can drip out of its bottom which is full of holes), scoop out the double-coated cauliflower florets and arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake for ~25 minutes and then check in on them. Open the oven door and say, “Hey what’s up, little bombers?” That’s just making conversation, though. You are actually checking to see when they’re cooked fully and ready to eat.

Continue to check in on them every 5 minutes until they meet your cauliflower buffalo bomber expectations — the batter should start to get crispy but, you know, not burnt, etc.

You can pour and brush on additional buffalo sauce if you want to increase your diet’s intake of melted vegetable margarine, up to you (“Keto People in the House!”). Needless to say, the fat content of this dish makes it best as a cheat meal for those with weight loss goals.

Eat with toothpicks or even your fingers. Keep in mind that these are supposed to be a lot healthier than buffalo chicken wings ;~)

