Marinated Tofu Slices

low carb vegan recipe

Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2023


1 block of medium or extra firm tofu
Flavored extra virgin olive oil (explore herbs, garlics, chilis etc.)
Flavored white balsamic vinegar (optional, for a sweeter marinade)

The harder the tofu, the less it tends to absorb the flavors of a marinade. I often like working with extra firm tofu because it holds its shape well, but a medium tofu will take in more marinade, so your choice!

If working with a firm or extra firm tofu, it’s usually recommended to press it, whereby you wrap the tofu in a kitchen towel or some paper towels, put it on a plate, then put a weight on top of it for half an hour.

I like marinating tofu slices overnight in a garlic or chili flavored extra virgin olive oil. Then, I either bake or saute it to add it to my veggies.

