Pasta Bolognese

low carb vegan recipe


1 package of shirataki (white noodles), 200g
1 ½ cup of the Marinara Sauce
⅓ cup dry TVP (textured vegetable protein)
1–2 tbsp grated vegan parmesan cheese (optional)
Parsley to garnish (optional)

Variation: mix the rehydrated TVP with the Red Pepper Sauce instead of the Marinara Sauce.

Makes 1 serving.

Rehydrate the TVP following the instructions on the package.

Simmer the marinara sauce and add in the rehydrated TVP which is essentially your faux ground beef for the Bolognese sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes so the TVP really gets into a marinara mood, which will put you into a Bolognese mood.

Strain excess water from the shirataki package. Microwave the noodles on high, covered, for 90 seconds, again straining any excess water. Transfer to a bowl. Spoon the Bolognese sauce on top of the shirataki and perhaps sprinkle with grated vegan parmesan cheese if desired. Garnish with fresh parsley.

