Phyllo Dough Pizza Crust — Cooking Spray Method

low carb vegan recipe

Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2023


With this variation, you are proceeding as usual with layering phyllo dough into 5–6 layers, as with the phyllo pizzas, pizza roll, burek, or fruit pizza — only, instead of melted margarine and/or oil, use cooking oil spray instead. Read the spray bottles carefully or do online research into the healthiest options, but in essence you want as few (if any) additives as possible so you are getting the oil in a light mist format.

Using cooking oil spray greatly lowers the calorie and fat content compared to brushed oil and melted margarine, though of course the experience and taste is less rich.

You can still hand hold pizza slices, but they do not fold as well and may snap if you intend to fold a slice into a U-shape, so either do not fold it, take the risk of folding it, or just cut smaller slices that don’t need to be folded. After refrigerating, the crust folds remarkably well, however, due to food physics, as moisture has been gradually absorbed into the crust as a function of time.

Cooking spray (look for a very healthy choice, free of added chemicals, etc.)
6 layers of phyllo dough

In this much lower fat variation, instead of using melted vegan margarine and/or oil to brush on the phyllo layers, you are just using cooking oil spray, which usually has pretty much no nutritional value, according to the labels, other than not being loaded with fat.

So, just proceed the same otherwise — layer a baking sheet large enough for the phyllo dough layers with parchment paper. Lay the first phyllo layer, spray with cooking spray, lay the next phyllo layer, spray again, etc. until you have a raw crust of 5–6 layers.

