Red Curry and Coconut Sauce

low carb vegan recipe


¼ cup ground almonds
¼ cup very hot water
1½ cup leftover red curry sauce (from the Red Curry Rice recipe in the Rice section)
2 tbsp leftover toasted coconut flakes (from the Coconut Rice recipe in the Rice section)
Fresh basil or mint

Variation: thicken with almond flour instead of ground almonds if you don’t want the grainy texture.

Makes 6–8 servings.

Soak the ground almonds in the hot water for 1 hour. Pour the leftover red curry sauce into a blender with the ground almond mixture and blend thoroughly.

Transfer into a sauce pan, add in the coconut flakes, set heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. As water evaporates, the sauce will thicken. Of course, the almonds and coconut will also thicken it.

The grainy-flaky texture of the almonds and coconut in the sauce contrasts with the slick smoothness of tofu, and thus this is a good sauce to cover baked tofu slices with. Garnish with the fresh basil or mint.

