Red Curry Rice and Tofu

low carb vegan recipe

Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2023


1 ½ cups cooked riced cauliflower
6 tbsp red curry paste
2 cups coconut milk (the kind used for drinking or adding to coffee, not the thicker canned kind for cooking)
4–6 slices of the baked marinated tofu, cut into smaller pieces
1 tbsp ajvar
Fresh basil

Variation: try other curry pastes!

Makes 4 servings (the sauce does, the servings for the rice portion depends on the size of your cauliflower rice package).

This recipe uses the drinkable coconut milk, usually sold in the dairy section with the non dairy milks, not the canned coconut milk sold in the aisles in the “Asian Food” section (which is where you find the red curry paste). Canned coconut milk has a lot more coconut cream (and thus more fat and calories) compared to the drinkable variety, which still works as a healthier curry sauce.

Prepare a package of riced cauliflower, and transfer ~1 ½ cups to a bowl. Heat the coconut milk on low heat, and stir in the red curry paste and ajvar. Red curry often has red peppers, and ajvar is a fast and easy, kinda lazy gourmet method for imparting red pepper flavor to this dish without the red pepper carbs (of the bell peppers, red has the highest carb count).

While making the sauce, warm the tofu slices (it’s a good idea to just always have cooked marinated tofu slices in the fridge, for fast access to dishes). Place the tofu on the rice, then pour a half cup of the sauce into the bowl, stir a bit, and top with the fresh basil.

