Photos from the Book


Low Carb Vegan Cooking

Michael Filimowicz, PhD
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023


More recipes and articles at Low Carb Vegan Lab.

Photos for the Book:

Phyllo Dough Pizza Crust

Given the amount of vegan margarine and/or oil to make a good phyllo pizza crust, not to mention any vegan cheese you place on top, this style of pizza is probably better for cheat meals, or for weight maintenance rather than loss goals. I would be very surprised if you lost weight on a diet consisting entirely of phyllo dough pizzas, but at the same time, I would also be very delighted for you!


Mediterranean (phyllo dough)

Pizza Roll

The Polo Marco (cream sauce pizza)

The Confused Sloppy Joe (cream sauce pizza)

The Crunchy Hamburger (cream sauze pizza)

Crunchy AND Meaty! And a bit leafy. And a tad salty, if the pumpkin seeds are salted.

Basic Balsamic Reduction (for pizza drizzling and other uses)

It looks so innocent, and kinda like motor oil, too, but wow it makes food pop.

Pulp Crust

As someone who has both lived in Chicago and eaten pizza in Naples — where pizza was invented — I can attest that some pizzas are best eaten with a fork and spoon, and not handheld in the American-in-a-rush style. The pulp crust pizza is in this more polite sit down tradition even though it is technically possible to eat it with your fingers.

If you want to get a perfectly circular shape out of this dough, simply take one of your pots or pans with the vertical edges of the desired diameter, turn it upside down and, you guessed it, press down hard and eliminate all the extra bits that remain outside the circular edge.

Cauliflower and Broccoli Pulp (straight from the juicer)
Pulp Kneaded
Pulp Shaped.

The Savory Coast

Savory Pancake

And you thought potato pancakes were filling! And you never knew that a pancake recipe could go into the Pizza section of a cookbook.

The Savory Pancake is made with the same process as the Pulp Pizza Crust, only a) you’re going to pan fry it instead, and b) you’re going to change up the ingredients, which can be anything that generates pulp but for this recipe, let’s switch out the broccoli and cauliflower for zucchini and green bell peppers.

Rorschach Flatbread

This flatbread goes against the idea of ‘don’t play with your food.”

Take whatever pulp you have left after making a pulp crust pizza, and make a new dough ball out of it. Follow the same general steps of making a pulp crust, but scale the ingredients to the amount of pulp you have left.

Then, shape the dough into a very random and yet symmetrical shape on the parchment paper lining the pizza pan. The trick is to try to make the shape symmetrical while also making it as blobby and random as possible. Stop when you achieve a shape that triggers neurotic mental associations.

A Jekyll and Hyde Rorschach concept.

