Photos from the Book

Toasts & Paninis

Low Carb Vegan Cooking

Michael Filimowicz, PhD
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023


More recipes and articles at Low Carb Vegan Lab.

Photos for the Book:

The toasts and paninis are based on low carb kind found in the stores, such as the Carbonaut brand.


Seitanic Panini

‘Panini’ is the Italian word for ‘patience.’ Ok, that’s not true, but in spirit it is. A good panini is all about taking it slow. If you’ve ever found yourself at a cafe growing impatient because the panini is taking so long to make, you will understand why once you start making them yourself at home. Of course, you will need a panini maker! And sliced low carb bread.

If in Rome, I would advise against eating a Seitanic Panini if you happen to be within earshot of the Vatican, otherwise you are probably safe from tempting fate with this recipe. Seitan is the star of this meal, but not to worry — you can still get into vegan heaven by enjoying this meaty sandwich.

Greco Roman Panini

Seoul Food Punini

Sorry for the bad joke in this recipe’s name, but it’s always good to keep the humor cogs greased up no matter what kind of bad dad joke might come out.

Breakfast Panini

Lentil Paté Mini Toast

Fruit and Nut/Seed Butter Toast

Raspberry, Blackberry, and Baked Apple with Peanut Butter

Guacamole and Tomato Toast

Guacamole is a classic ‘good fat’ food, derived as it is from avocados. In blood tests, one of the key markers tracked is the ratio of good to bad cholesterol, or HDL to LDL, respectively. While the diet in this book is full of many foods that support good cholesterol levels (a plant-based diet in general is associated with lower overall cholesterol), the guacamole in this toast is an important source of healthy fats.

Hummus & TomatoToast

Marmite Toast (& Marmite w/ Honey Variation)

Marmite is one of those foods that makes you think, “Huh, someone had the idea to invent this.” It is made from yeast extract which is a byproduct of beer making. The folks who invented it were thinking, it seems, “Hmmm, after making beer, what do we do with all this yeast extract stuff?” and then someone said, “Hey, let’s spread it on toast!” or something like that.

Its flavor is strong in saltiness, umami and savory notes (I think of it as basically like a salty honey). It is fortified with various nutrients to make it more worth eating, including B vitamins, in particular B12, because these clever folks thought it should be marketed to vegans and vegetarians.

Pizza’d Grilled Cheese

