COTMs: Introducing Top KNIME Experts

What is a COTM and how to become one

Rosaria Silipo
Low Code for Data Science
2 min readNov 7, 2022


KNIME COTM - Contributor of the Month

You might have seen award cards or badges for KNIME COTM (Contributor of the Month) on social media that look like this one below. If you have not already wondered what this celebrates, now’s the time to start wondering and also get an answer.

What is a KNIME COTM?

The COTM award is assigned to KNIME users who have shown excellent technical skills and have contributed to a better learning experience as educators, to faster and more exhaustive technical support, to knowledge sharing via articles, blogs, and YouTube videos, to a richer repository of community nodes and components, or to a stronger KNIME presence on social media.

In a nutshell, the COTM award is assigned in recognition of technical skills and contribution to the advancement of the KNIME community. Indeed, there are only a handful of such top experts around the world: this level of expertise and dedication is hard to find!

The program has now been active for almost 24 months, in which we awarded 25 KNIME users, one per month, with the exception of January 2021 when we awarded two community members at the same time. The list of past COTMs can be found in the KNIME COTM Hall of Fame.

Nominate your candidate!

How to become a COTM awardee?

First of all, somebody — a fan, a colleague, a family member, yourself — must nominate you or any other KNIME user for a COTM award via the COTM Candidate Proposal form. In the description field of the form, the reasons why the nominee deserves to receive the COTM award must be stated.

KNIME Contributor of the Month - COTM

Once a month all COTM nominations are evaluated. Based on their recent activities, their contribution to the KNIME community, and their technical skills, the best nominee is selected and awarded the title of COTM for the next month.

If, while reading, the name of a deserving KNIME user springs to mind, do not hesitate and nominate them for the COTM award program in the COTM proposal form.

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As first published on the KNIME Blog:



Rosaria Silipo
Low Code for Data Science

Rosaria has been mining data since her master degree, through her doctorate and job positions after that . She is now a data scientist and KNIME evangelist.