How We Automated Twitter Promotion with KNIME

A codeless and easy solution just a few clicks away

Low Code for Data Science


As first published in BI-FI Blogs

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

In this article, we’ll share how we automated the Twitter promotions for our blog (BI-FI Blogs) using KNIME Analytics Platform.

You can download for free the workflow “Twitter Blog Promoter” from the KNIME Community Hub.

Download the workflow “Twitter Blog Promoter” from the KNIME Community Hub.

This workflow connects to the RSS feed of our blog to get key information, such as blog title, publication date and article URL.

Next, it connects to Twitter using the Twitter API and the KNIME Twitter Connectors extension. Finally, the workflow takes the blog information and posts a promotion tweet for us with the custom hashtags we defined.

Let’s break down the workflow…

In the Table Creator node, we paste the URL of the RSS feed and read in the blog information with the RSS Feed Reader node (you might need to install the KNIME Textprocessing extension).

To only promote the latest blogs, we filter the publication date column by the execution date (we create a “today variable” inside the metanode).

Then we remove all columns except Title and Blog URL. We use these two columns to create column variables. With the help of the Group Loop node, we can pass each Title and Blog URL to the Twitter Post Tweet node. We can customize the text, add more hashtags or links using this node.

And voilà, KNIME does its magic and posts the tweet for us. Thanks to KNIME, we don’t have to manually promote our blogs anymore.

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Low Code for Data Science

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