Let’s get started with KNIME!

A snapshot of the free, open-source software for data science

Manoj Rajkumar
Low Code for Data Science


The first question in your mind! What is KNIME? Let’s get a short and crisp explanation!

KNIME Interface — with its main functions.

KNIME Analytics Platform is the free, open-source software for creating data science. It is helping you discover the potential hidden in your data, mine for fresh insights, or predict new features.

KNIME is an open source platform, is fast to deploy, easy to scale, and intuitive to learn.

What is a Node?

A Node in detail.

In KNIME Analytics Platform, individual tasks are represented by nodes. Each node is displayed as a colored box with input and output ports. Nodes can perform all sorts of tasks, including reading/writing files, transforming data, training models, creating visualizations, and so on.

Node Status

Node Status.

A node can be in four different states. The node status is shown by a traffic light below each node.

Input and Output Ports in KNIME

Example of Input and Output ports.

The input(s) are the data that the node processes via the node ports, and the output(s) are the resulting data. Each node has specific settings, which you can adjust in a configuration dialog.

Different types are represented by different node ports. Only ports of the same type indicated by the same color can be connected. Here are some examples of ports for frequently used data types.

Things to keep in mind

A series of interconnected nodes defines a workflow. Nodes can be connected via their input and output ports to form a workflow. Once a workflow is executed the data inside the workflow flows from left to right through the connections either step by step or entirely.

Components really are KNIME nodes that you create with a KNIME workflow. They encapsulate and abstract functionality, can have their own dialog, and can have their own sophisticated, interactive views.

Useful Links

  1. Self-Paced courses:

A catalog of courses that goes from basic and advanced KNIME proficiency, to machine learning and text processing with KNIME. All self-paced courses are free, and include video recordings and exercises to test your knowledge.

Course details.

2. Documentation:

A thorough guide of all the functionalities of KNIME Software.

3. KNIME Forum:

Get support for your data science questions from a vast and active community of enthusiastic users on the KNIME Forum.

Home page of KNIME Forum with different sections.

I hope this post helps someone to get started with KNIME, please post your feedback or questions in the comment section — I’ll be happy to assist!

Thanks for your time in reading my article!

