Twitter Scraper Project

Pull tweets with just a bunch of nodes using a codeless approach

Low Code for Data Science


As first published in BI-FI Blogs

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash.

In this article, we will show how to query Twitter to get the latest tweets containing the keyword we input. To do that, we use KNIME Analytics Platform.

The results will be displayed in a table containing the tweets themselves and other additional information, such as user name, follower count, and retweet count.

In order to run the workflow, you will need a developer account from Twitter which can be obtained for free. You can easily apply for it from the link below:

Apply for a Twitter Developer Account

After getting the API keys from our Twitter developer account, we can download for free the workflow “Twitter Scraper” from the KNIME Community Hub.

Download the workflow “Twitter Scraper” from the KNIME Community Hub.

The first thing we should do is to open the Twitter API Connector node and enter our personal Twitter developer account details.

Next, we enter the keyword we would like to search and “Click & Apply as new default”.

Finally, leveraging the Twitter Search and a bunch of manipulation nodes in the Twitter Search metanode, we can just execute the workflow. This will do its magic and bring us the latest tweets.

If needed, we can also export and store the results in an Excel file.

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