Local Food Program Inspires Action

Small Scale Farms
Low Cost Food Program
3 min readMay 27, 2018

The food system is broken.

Gone are the days where we can simply head to the grocery store to pick up our food, feeling comfortable with what we have purchased.

Do you feel comfortable feeding your family genetically modified foods? How about food that has been prayed with pesticides, or coated with wax?

By the time you get your kale, or by the time your tomatoes are showing up at the average corporation down the street, is it even still alive? Was it ever? Have you picked vegetables out of a garden? Do you know the difference?

Night and day. It cannot be compared.

Food that is grown locally makes sense. Not only does it nourish our bodies, it nourishes our souls. There is a deep desire for human beings to connect with each other, and how we have always been able to do that is through the growing and exchanging of food. Everybody needs to eat.

Unfortunately for us, the business world knows it. They have somehow taken a simple, basic human need and turned it into a nightmare.

Our fields are barren, our health is suffering, and our hearts hurt.

It’s time for change. It’s time we change.

(Perhaps it’s worth noting, it should have been stopped a long time ago, or not allowed in the first place, but we were all sold a lie).

Look what happens when you don’t pay attention…

We are told, GMO’s are the only way to feed the world. Monoculture, one crop for miles and miles, is the most efficient way to harvest (profit). “Conventional” agriculture will replace small scale farms? How does this even make sense!

It doesn’t.

And now that we’ve woken up a bit, we’re going to have to fix this mess we’ve found ourselves in.

But how?

We have to rebuild.

Nevermind the current system for a second. Stop using it, stop going to the grocery store. Stop eating crap. Every time you eat food from a box you are supporting big AG. You are supporting monoculture. You are supporting the practices that kill the bees…

Please stop.

Please buy vegetables and meat from your local farmer. We live in Niagara for heaven’s sake! We are completely spoiled rotten compared to the rest of Canada’s weather/growing capabilities. There are numerous CSA’s and small scale farmers here, looking for you. Hoping you will buy/support them.

Imagine if we all threw our money behind the local farmers?

Instant transformation.

So what can you do? Just little ‘ole you?

Support your local ECONOMY. Help build a local food system. What we don’t already have, we can build. Together.

From the GROUND UP.

Locally yours,
Small Scale Farms

Change happens here. Small Scale Farms support a local food system that in turn, supports the entire region. Our residents. Our people.

All of them.

Looking for options? They are right here. These programs support local economy. The farmers, and the people of Niagara. We all need healthy food. Every single one of us.

Local Food Program Options



