Here’s Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Audrey Atkinson
Low Glycemic Living Magazine
7 min readJun 15, 2022

I have three things you can do, as silly as they may sound, that will help you kick-off any health and wellness changes whether you mean to or not.

I struggle with “the will to” emotion. With enough of this emotion dulled, it almost looks like you’re putting on an “I don’t care” attitude, or maybe you really do think that you don’t care, but that’s really not what it is.

You can tell yourself that you don’t care until you believe it and that makes you feel better because now you don’t care. But, if a part of you knows that you really do care and that you are just lacking “the will to,” then frustrating emotions can flood in because it turns into “I can’t” igniting a giant ball of stress.

The truth is it’s “I can’t” and not “I don’t care.”

Large individual with a measuring tape wrapped way tighter than it should be to be smaller than they are currently.
See! I’m only this big!

What do I mean by that?

Whether or not we can has to do with our body’s current processing capabilities and whether or not it can.

You can only do what you can do.

Let me explain: As you take in food, your body breaks it down. The more complex the food, the more processing locations that would need to exist. Just like farm-to-table theory, this is mouth-to-butt theory (I just made that up).

When bottlenecks occur at those processing plants, like traffic congestion in-the-body style, you have toxins building up and a lack of movement. That lack of movement in the body causes us to also do less and less over time and work with less and less resources.

In order to work through the body’s buildup, there’s many ways to go about it. Here’s the three main ones: limit the bottlenecks from even being made by changing diets — low histamine, gluten-free, low glycemic load, low alcohol, etc. The second is improving the processing of the buildup — this happens while we sleep. And the third thing is to get the lymphatic system to take out the trash.

I will give you a couple small tricks to give your lymphatic system a little push to get started. If you don’t have a future plan, it’s fine, because clearing out your body will gradually help you think easier and clearer and you’ll make a plan when you are able.

It’s all about getting you to automatically think “I can” that will help you succeed in anything you do.

Practice being taller!

Like I said at the beginning, no matter how silly.

The point of this exercise is to open up the lymphatic system, like straightening the hose (the hose being the torso) to remove a kink, to improve blood flow. It will also help prepare you for being slightly taller. As you remove excess weight, the compression on your spine will lighten, giving you what seems like more height.

This is practicing correct posture intentionally. Sit or stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, straighten up your back, square your shoulders, and look straight ahead.

Once you get yourself into the right position, do some really deep breaths. The air you pull in, you want to pull down towards your butt. Don’t breathe so that you can see it: breathe down, not out when you fill your lungs up as far as you can go, hopefully removing some trapped gas on the way.

Another time to practice getting taller is when you lay down to sleep. Lie down on your back, fold a pillow width-wise and put it under your neck, roll up a little so you can see the wall behind you and fully relax. Lay there for about 20 minutes, then roll over and go to bed.

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Improve your sleep!

This is super important. Sleeping is when our body is doing a lot of our processing. There’s three parts to sleeping. There’s falling asleep, staying asleep and naptime.

Daytime fatigue and chronic drowsiness is a terrible experience. I don’t wish that upon anyone.

Many people have heard of taking melatonin to improve sleep but that’s not the only way. Melatonin’s main purpose is to help those who have trouble falling asleep in the first place. So this would help those who feel refreshed once they sleep, although the getting-to-sleep process annoyed the heck out of them.

This is probably not your problem, so melatonin is likely not the recommendation you want. You’re in luck. I won’t be recommending that only.

The staying-asleep process is slightly intertwined with naptime. While we are sleeping and we enter REM, we start running through the body’s buildup and processing it. Your dreams, if you do see them, are a peek into the world inside you as if you’ve entered one of its inhabitants.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that, as your body heals, your dreams might be scary. They probably already are scary but this will be different.

Before my dreams were scary environments or situations, but once the healing started it changed to me personally. I had my leg chopped off, my fingers, lost my teeth over and over again. I even had one dream where it was like I was a clown mirror; my body was all misshapen.

I’ve come to the conclusion that all those dreams had to do with the microbial war / bottleneck buildup that exists and it leaving. These dreams don’t last long but can be startling or funny depending on how you view them.

How do you improve your sleep then?

Eat some nuts! I’m dead serious. Eat a cup of pistachios, specifically, a day. Feel free to add in some other nuts too if you’d like, but do avoid peanuts.

A close-up shot of a pile of pistachios in the shell. The shells are oval shaped, split on the top, cream colored. The nut inside the shell has a thin brown paper like sheet covering it and the nut is green.
A close-up shot of a pile of pistachios in the shell.

No worries for those who are allergic to nuts, I have the non-food way too.

The point of the pistachios is to get your daily vitamin B6 allotment. Vitamin B6 and GABA work together to keep you sleeping and processing. It also follows up with a long list of other vitamins and minerals that are perfect for helping the “traffic jam” move its way through. Check out the nutrition facts on a cup of pistachios here.

Naptime is proof that you need to take control of your body’s processing. During the day, our dopamine/GABA receptors lower its dopamine use and increase its GABA use. That process makes us drowsy when we don’t sleep at night properly. With no dopamine in the way, GABA can work overtime.

If you need a nap, take a nap. It’s your body saying, “Yo, dude(tte), I can process some stuff right now, let me do it!”

Dopamine is the lowest at 3pm so that will be the drowsiest period. After 3pm, dopamine will start to rise again. Once your circadian rhythm resets, you’ll wake up in the morning naturally instead of nap in the afternoon naturally.

Wash your pipes!

Last but not least is to wash your pipes. Whatever you are thinking I mean, that is totally not it.

When we do the dishes or take a shower or wash anything, what do we do? We get soap and water, lather, rinse, dry. So how do we clean the inside of our own bodies? Those are the pipes I’m talking about. Soap; water; lather; rinse; dry? Should we just swallow bleach then? No, Mr. Trump, do not swallow any bleach.

I’m sure y’all know this but don’t realize it yet. The main ingredient in soap is oil or fat. So, in order to wash our pipes, we need to make sure we have fat and water in our pipes. There, step one is probably done as long as you don’t restrict fat intake too much.

The next step is to lather. This step is fun and has two parts. The first part is to give yourself massages throughout your body. You want to apply friction to your interstitial lymph fluid where the fat and water is to lather it up.

Now that the soap is activated, if you will, since we can’t reach in and wipe it down, we now need to shake it out. Have you ever cleaned a bottle out, where you put some water in and shake it to loosen up the grime on the sides? That’s what we’re gonna do.

The most efficient way for us to shake our bodies is to use jumping. Jumping for one minute is the equivalent of running for three minutes.

For this exercise, you stand straight and jump on the balls of your feet. When you land, don’t press your balls to the ground, just lead back into the next jump. You could think of it as jumping rope without a rope or bouncing on a trampoline without one.

This exercise will wash the lather. Your goal is to jump for as much or as little as you can but to make it into sweat mode or pee mode. These are indications that rinse mode has been activated and the ball is now rolling.

Now, take a shower! You deserve it and possibly stink!

The main thing with everything is one layer at a time. Don’t get all gung-ho and just go from one extreme to the other. It won’t work and you’ll just become discouraged. We are working on “I can,” not “I can’t.”

To recap, unwind the kink in the hose to help the water flow (be taller), stop sending cars to the traffic jam (eat wisely), help remove cars from the traffic jam (sleep well), and make sure that you use the garburator to clean drain (wash pipes).



Audrey Atkinson
Low Glycemic Living Magazine

I’m an entrepreneur, author, transcriber, closed captioner by trade, and histamine and gluten intolerant by food. Buy me a coffee here: