Low GI Bread: 7 Delicious Recipes and 5 Top Brands

Federico Gobbi
Low Glycemic Living Magazine
2 min readFeb 11, 2024

Bread is a staple in many diets, but not all bread is created equal. Low Glycemic Index (GI) breads are an excellent choice for those looking to manage blood sugar levels, lose weight, or simply lead a healthier lifestyle. In this article, we’ll explore the world of low GI bread, providing you with 7 recipes to make at home and 5 top brands you can buy.

Understanding Low GI Bread

The Glycemic Index measures how quickly carbohydrate-containing foods raise blood sugar levels. Foods with a low GI (55 or less) are digested and absorbed slower, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar. According to Harvard Health Publishing, low GI foods like certain types of bread can help in the management of diabetes and heart disease.

Low GI Bread Recipes

1. Whole Grain Oat Bread

  • Ingredients: Whole wheat flour, rolled oats, yeast, salt, honey, and water.
  • Method: Combine the ingredients, knead the dough, let it rise, then bake until golden.
  • GI Value: Approximately 55.

2. Flaxseed and Almond Bread

  • Ingredients: Ground flaxseed, almond meal, baking powder, eggs, and olive oil.
  • Method: Mix dry and wet ingredients separately, combine, and bake.
  • GI Value: Around 45.

3. Chia Seed Whole Wheat Bread

  • Ingredients: Whole wheat flour, chia seeds, yeast, salt, and water.
  • Method: Knead the ingredients into a dough, let rise, and bake.
  • GI Value: Approximately 49.

4. Quinoa and Millet Bread

  • Ingredients: Cooked quinoa, millet flour, yeast, honey, and olive oil.
  • Method: Blend ingredients, let the dough rise, then bake.
  • GI Value: Around 53.

5. Sourdough Spelt Bread

  • Ingredients: Spelt flour, sourdough starter, salt, and water.
  • Method: Mix, knead, let ferment, and bake.
  • GI Value: Approximately 54.

6. Barley and Rye Bread

  • Ingredients: Barley flour, rye flour, yeast, molasses, salt, and water.
  • Method: Knead ingredients, let rise, and bake.
  • GI Value: Around 50.

7. Pumpkin Seed and Yogurt Bread

  • Ingredients: Whole wheat flour, yogurt, pumpkin seeds, yeast, and honey.
  • Method: Combine ingredients, let the dough rise, and bake.
  • GI Value: Approximately 48.

Brands of Low GI Bread You Can Buy

The Health Benefits of Low GI Bread


Ready to feel 10x better in your body?

Grab our Low GI Starter Kit today for easy-to-follow recipes you can add to your diet tomorrow. Through our expert guidance, you’ll learn how to transition to low GI with ease and receive FREE access to new recipes weekly so you can stay creative in the kitchen.



Federico Gobbi
Low Glycemic Living Magazine

Startup Program Manager, Segment (Twilio) 💼 | Professional Surfer & Creator offthewax.com 🤙 | Passionate of recycling things, preserving nature & human beings