The Siblings: Their Radii and Diameters

Acceleration. Speed limit.

Vinish Garg
Low Volume Thoughts
1 min readMay 25, 2018


Scheduled. The blooming roadside trees.

Value for money. Joy.

Call. No, wait.

They disagree, and argue. They fight.

They dine together. They play chess.

They run together and sometimes, they do not exchange shoes!

We are often a witness to this sibling rivalry.

Between our left brain and the right brain.

We all are parents and we spend most of our time on the highway that connects these two kids — the left brain and the right brain.

We need to craft right stories to keep these two connected, thoughtful, aware, and aligned.

We need to work around the diameters as well as around their individual radii.

The left brain and the right brain. Rivals yet pals. Forever.



Vinish Garg
Low Volume Thoughts

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