Low Waste Shampoo Alternatives

You’re about to run out of shampoo and instead of buying your normal product, you want to see if you can have luscious locks without the plastic? I’ve got you.

Kirstin Turney
Low Waste


Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

There are a surprising amount of feelings that people have about shampoo. Some people love it, some people hate it. Most people wonder why there is so much silicone in it. I recently discussed the fact that 80% of shampoo is made out of water, which begs the question: why are we paying for water? (Feel free to independently verify this by checking your shampoo bottle next time you’re in the shower.)

Either way, most people growing up in the Western world, will have learned to use shampoo from the drug store/salon, which almost always comes in a plastic container. Shampoo has developed into a wonderfully diverse product to account for the many types of hair in the world, and likewise, the low-waste alternatives do not disappoint.

If you haven’t already read my categorisation system for low waste swaps, it might help you understand which swap option given below (Safe, Medium, or Extreme) might be best for you.

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Kirstin Turney
Low Waste

California born, Ireland based. All about learning and conscious travel. Low waste, vegan who can’t resist a bit of trivia.