How to Use Recruiting Status Reports

Loxo Team
Loxo Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2019

Recruiting status reports are crucial in maintaining positive relationships with clients and ensuring transparency from the very start of recruitment projects.

Whether created on a weekly or monthly basis, these reports help clients quantitate the progress you’re making and rest easy while you handle the heavy lifting of recruitment.

Status reports also help clients hold up their end of the bargain by staying on top of their interview schedules and making timely decisions on the candidates you have presented.

What is a Recruiting Status Report?

A recruiting status report details the progress that has been made on a recruiting project over a given period of time, most commonly on a weekly or monthly basis.

While these reports help clients feel good about their open job being filled on-time, the info in these reports also help clients stay organized internally and ensure they stay organized and on-schedule when reviewing candidates, interviewing candidates and making good hiring decisions.

Whether weekly or monthly, status reports needs to orient your client in the recruiting process and leave them certain of the progress that your company has made toward hiring a great candidate.

Recruiting status reports should contain plentiful data points demonstrating the progress of your recruiting project, such as:

  • The stage that the recruitment project is currently in (sourcing, interviewing, offer negotiation, etc.).
  • Interviews completed and scheduled: candidates interviewed, interviewers present and outcomes of these interviews for each candidate.
  • The activities performed and deliverables completed since the last progress report by individual recruiters assigned to the client’s search project.
  • Actions taken by the client’s hiring team (interviews performed, candidates approved, etc.), the dates of performed actions and the people responsible.
  • Satisfaction of client demands for candidates and the recruiting project (sourcing a candidate with X and Y experience, sourcing a candidate from a competitor, beginning interviews by X date, etc.)
  • Meeting of SLA (Service Level Agreement) requirements: communication practices agreement, minimum candidate quality/quantity, time per-interview, etc.
  • Job advertising spend vs total budget.
  • Short list of top candidates (candidates with X and Y experience).
  • Research that indicates an update to the client’s candidate requirements (if this is the case).
  • Explanation of why no candidates have met client criteria (if this is the case).

Including all of the data points we’ve listed in your report will give you happy clients, but the more detailed the report and the more frequently these reports are generated, the more time you lose to updating clients instead of getting work done for them.

When deciding how thorough your agency’s status reports should be, always balance the desires of clients with the time demanded of you and your recruiters to prepare these reports.

Are Recruitment Status Reports Still Necessary?

Recruiting status reports help to ensure good client relationships by giving them key information on your progress, but they can be a serious time-sink for your recruiters when prepared manually.

Instead of researching, discovering, sourcing, engaging and interviewing candidates, all tasks that advance the recruitment process, recruiters are stuck at their desk writing status reports.

If detailed status reports are being requested on a weekly basis, this procedure will eat away at the efficiency of recruiters and the speed of the hiring process, especially if they are preparing weekly reports for multiple clients.

So, are recruiting status reports still necessary?

Yes and no.

Is it necessary for clients to be updated with data that clearly demonstrates your progress with their recruiting project, as is contained in recruiting status reports?


Is it necessary for this data to be prepared manually and input into a template labeled “recruiting status report?


So, while the information provided in a recruiting status report is indispensable for keeping clients satisfied, collaborative and up-to date, the format of the report itself is secondary.

The Future of Recruiting Status Reports

In the future there will be no recruiting status reports, only recruiting project status data that’s easy to share with your clients.

Loxo is an all-in-one recruiting platform that eliminates the time consuming process of preparing recruiting status reports, by creating sharable reports in minutes.

All of the information that would be input into a recruiting status report from your project dashboard can be exported as a pdf, making it easy to share your progress with clients without taking time away from your work.

Now, instead of dropping what you’re doing to start an impromptu report for an impatient client, you can provide the information your clients want the minute they ask for it.

To see how easy it is to prepare sharable recruitment project data for clients, schedule a demo of Loxo and we’ll show you how it’s done.

