Three new mobile recruiting tools to increase your performance

Loxo just released three new giant features that will provide recruiters with the ultimate competitive advantage.

Brooke Cheishvili
Loxo Blog
3 min readMay 20, 2016


No other ATS provides recruiters with instant connectivity to their candidates the way Loxo does.

Over the past month, Loxo has worked closely with hundreds of our newest customers to understand their old ATS workflows and train them on practices that will improve how quickly they connect with their candidates.

Loxo continues to automate the time-consuming tasks that were previously necessary evils for recruiting professionals, giving recruiters more time to do what they do best: connect talented professionals.

Just this month, our engineering team released these new tools to help any ambitious recruiter achieve their greatest potential:

  1. Loxo Click-to-Dial: You no longer have to leave your talent acquisition platform — or even pick up the phone for that matter — to call your candidate. Loxo’s new click-to-dial feature allows you to initiate phone calls directly from your screen and automatically tracks these calls as activities within the platform. Say goodbye to those tedious administrative tasks and hello to more hours in the day.
  2. SMS for Loxo: Have you implemented a mobile recruiting strategy yet? With Loxo, your job postings are already optimized for mobile — which is imperative since 86 percent of active candidates start their job searches from their smart phones. This month however, we took our mobile features to the next level. Now you can text your candidate and automatically log their replies all within Loxo. Why should you be texting both passive and active candidates? Word is, 90 percent of recruiters who text their candidates about an opportunity, get a reply in less than three minutes.
  3. Loxo Connect™: We’ve continued to optimize Loxo Connect™ since its launch a couple of weeks ago, and with hundreds of new users finding contact information for passive candidates, our customers are using Loxo to recruit smarter, faster.
Loxo Connect

If it is true that only 13 percent of recruiting leaders feel like they have invested enough into their mobile recruiting efforts, you could be ahead of the game just by using Loxo as your talent intelligence platform.

We created Loxo for the next generation of recruiting. These new tools will add to your mobile recruiting toolbox and provide instant connectivity with your candidates.

If you are hoping to modernize your recruiting practice but not quite sure how, shoot us an email at info (at) loxo (dot) co. We’d be happy to show you around and tell you why our customers are leading the recruiting industry.



Brooke Cheishvili
Loxo Blog

Entrepreneur & Fractional CMO | Growth advisor @Lox_o | Enthusiastic explorer of what makes tech companies grow | Will travel for food and wine.