Top 3 Ways To Avoid Buying Software No One Will Use: Part 2

Brooke Borgias
Loxo Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2017


Last week we went over trap number one: your software needs to solve problems or no one will use it. That’s key number one to avoid wasting resources on implementing a system no one will use.

So, now what? You’ve done your due diligence. You chose the best product on the market. You purchased the system and implemented it. Now, you are ready to see the dividends of your hard work and increase daily productivity and placements. It’s time to roll.

There’s one problem. No one seems to be using it. Months go by, and you see Rick Recruiter still working on Google Docs and Excel. You turn the corner, and Susie Sourcer has her sticky notes and pen & paper out. This scene persists throughout the office. You head back to your desk, scratch your head, and reluctantly cancel your ATS subscription. Afterall, no one is using it.

What happened?

You did your research. You sat through hours of demos and sales pitches. You know the product you choose was the right fit. It solves needs and lots of them! You may have avoided trap one, only to fall prey of trap 2: end users were not part of the buying and implementation process.

In order to avoid the second trap, you must involve end users in the decision making process to some degree. If you are purchasing just for yourself, the process is obvious. You consulted the end user (yourself) from day one. But, what should you do when you are purchasing software for your team?

Involving Your Team

Our first trap explained how choosing a product that solves needs is paramount to success; however, your end users need to actually use the product to have success. Involving them from day one is key.

Start by talking with your team to learn their needs, pain points, and wishlist items before you begin evaluating systems:

  • What are the most important features / workflows to them?
  • What are their current roadblocks?
  • What workarounds annoy them?
  • What perfect scenarios in their software have they imagined?

Having this conversation not only helps you avoid pitfall number one, it also prepares and excites your team for a new system. It requires them to think about their daily routines and how a new product could help solve specific issues throughout the day. After you developed requirements and a ‘nice-to-haves’ list, you’re ready to start evaluating different tools. You have also begun to build excitement and mentally prepare your team for the change.

Then, once your software is purchased and implemented, your team is already committed to using the software because you involved them. They have buy-in, and buy-in is important to make sure your team is as invested in the software as you are!

Involving your users in the implementation process will create excitement as well. Are there any customizations your team can make or workflows you can customize in the software? Instead of building it on your own and telling your team to use it, take some time to brainstorm possibilities together. Just because you’ve always done something one way, doesn’t mean you should continue. Now’s your chance to make those changes you’ve always wanted.

Include the end users in these conversations. It will create ownership across the team and increase adoption of the new system.

At Loxo, for example, our customizable Hiring Pipeline allows you to move and track candidates through job stages to make more hires faster. Teams can brainstorm and decide on the best process for this Loxo customization, boosting team collaboration and workflow before and after implementation.

Loxo also offers customizable Categories so your team can tag and search your candidates quicker and more efficiently to find the best matches.

Don’t Forget about Trap 3

It’s not enough to just have a software that solves issues. Your end users also need to be excited, have buy-in, and be prepared to start on the new system. Get them going quickly by teaming up with them from the beginning.

Now that you’ve found a software that solves your problems, and your team is excited and involved in the implementation process. What else could go wrong? Tune in next week to learn how to avoid trap 3: poor onboarding and client support.



Brooke Borgias
Loxo Blog

Start up Enthusiast. Colorado Native. Golden Retriever Lover.