65, 000 University of Washington Students joins LoyalCoin Ecosystem

Zachary Nelson
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

Hello Loyalists,

Today we have some exciting news for you as we continue our journey of expansion in the US. As many of you know, we are due to launch fully in the US in Q1 and right now we are lining up partnerships to benefit you, our loyalists.

On October 13th, LoyalCoin CTO Ahmad Alkabra spoke to an auditorium packed full of students, professionals, startups and blockchain enthusiasts at the University of Washington Blockchain Expo. At the clubs premier event, Ahmad presented on the mainstage. The theme of the talk was the new rewards economy and how it will impact everyone’s lives in a positive way.

“The new Rewards Economy to many is already a reality around the world. Expanding to the US is a big move for us and we wanted to start out strong. Expect to see a lot more from us,very soon.” said Alkabra.

-Ahmad Speaking at the UW Expo-

The crowd was thrilled with the presentation, asking tons of questions along the way and taking notes and videos. The message to us at LoyalCoin was clear. People want LoyalCoin and they want it at all the merchants they already know and love.

As a final special announcement, LoyalCoin unveiled its new partnership with the Associated Students of the University of Washington Bothell. This brings about 65,000 new students into the rewards economy who are now able to benefit from all LoyalCoin has to offer.

-Student Gov official Rayyan Hussain Speaking-

“Partnering with ASUWB on this was the obvious move to us, now we can have a massive impact in Washington. Students are interested in blockchain and crypto and now more than ever they want to have this technology become apart of their lives,” said Alkabra.

University of Washington Students will be able to get a special airdrop of LoyalCoin through their uw.edu email address in Q1 of 2019.

Look for more news coming soon, we hope to expand these special partnerships throughout all colleges in the US.

