Want to Know More About LoyalCoin Pre-Sale? Here’s an FAQ.

Miko Ilas
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2017

LoyalCoin launched its pre-sale event last November 11! While the actual sale for LoyalCoin starts December 11, we’re opening up the opportunity for you to get some early action on the virtual currency that will change customer loyalty. And this opportunity will run for about…

See that ticker above? It runs by the second and beckons you to buy in.

We know that you may have some questions about what to do during the pre-sale event. And we’re here to answer them one by one. But if you don’t see your questions here, feel free to join us on Telegram and talk with us online.

What do I get for buying LoyalCoin during the pre-sale instead of the token sale period?

When you buy LoyalCoin (LYL) between Nov. 11 and Dec. 10, during which we offer 1.4 billion LYL, you get 10% bonus LoyalCoin for your purchase. So let’s say you bought…

Wait, wait, wait… 10% bonus? That’s great!

Yes it is. So let’s say you bought LoyalCoin using 1 BTC. Instead of getting just 1,500,000 LYL if bought on Dec. 11, you’ll get 10% more, so that would be 1,650,000 LYL.

That 10% bonus sounds like a great deal! But what do I do with that much LoyalCoin?

To recap what a LoyalCoin can do, watch this video below. Don’t worry, this will just take you a minute.

Alright, I’m in. How do I start buying LoyalCoin?

First, you need to register on our website. Click “Register” on the website and provide your details, like your name, email address, method of payment (options are XEM, ETH, or BTC). Also provide your NEM address, then click “Register.”

Wait, why do I need an NEM address, and what if I’m paying via ETH or BTC?

Regardless of your payment method, we’ll send LoyalCoin through your NEM address, because LoyalCoin is created on the NEM blockchain.

But I don’t have a NEM address. How do I create one?

We’ve also created a step-by-step guide on how you can create a NEM address through installing the NEM Nano Wallet.

Can I proceed with the registration without a NEM address?

We highly recommend creating a NEM address, given that your LoyalCoin ends up there anyway at least until when we launch the LoyalWallet. But we also have an option to let you edit your NEM address on your account, in case you didn’t enter an NEM address the first time around.

OK, so now I’ve entered a NEM address. What’s next?

Once you receive a confirmation email about your registration, proceed to log in to the site with your credentials. On the dashboard that appears, you’ll see the addresses through which you can send your BTC, ETH or XEM. Send your payments to those addresses using your e-wallets.

Speaking of addresses, I recently got a message telling me to send my BTC, ETH, or XEM to the address he specified. Should I follow him?

No, no, no, and no. Beware of people posing as LoyalCoin representatives and giving these addresses. The only legit addresses you should send money to are the ones we provide on the website.

I’ve already bought some LoyalCoins. Where can I see the details of that transaction?

The dashboard has a Token Purchase History tab where you can see each transaction you did.

Can I pay again and still get the 10% bonus?

Yes, for as long as you buy LoyalCoin during the pre-sale period between Nov. 11 and Dec. 10, all your deals during the period will be eligible for the account.

But wait, the token purchase history tab doesn’t reflect my transaction. What gives?

Sorry about that. Please email us at tge@loyalcoin.io and provide details of your transaction, like time of purchase and address used.

And when can I actually hold these precious LoyalCoins?

We will distribute LoyalCoins to all buyers within 48 hours after the token sale closes, either on Jan. 11, 2018, or when all 4.75 billion LYL offered is sold out, whichever comes first.

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Visit the LoyalCoin website for more details about this virtual currency, including our whitepaper and other important information. Follow us on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter for more real-time updates. We’ll announce further milestones of our token generation event shortly.



Miko Ilas

Writes for Binance and some other items of whimsy. From Manila.