How did Pick-up Terdekat Increase Amount of Pick-up Task on Lion Parcel Courier Apps?

arif malik
Published in
10 min readOct 4, 2021

What is Pick-up Terdekat?

Pick-up terdekat is a feature on Lion Parcel Courier. It is also a package pick up method where the courier can choose the closest package. Through this feature, couriers can select and decide the package they want to pick up based on the route and address so that the process is more efficient.

Previous Pick-up Process

Pick-up offer is a method for courier to get the package before pick-up terdekat already exist. Couriers have to wait for notification of package orders that can be chose to be picked up or not. When courier accept the pick up request, the courier will pick-up the package under the countdown time specified in pick-up rules, and if they can’t pass the countdown that has sets, the package will disappear after courier picked up the package, they can accept another pick up offer as long as their package bag is still available to accommodate the package.

Pickup Organic Flow.

Previous Pick-up Problem

Through the pick-up offer the courier is not really busy to pick up the package and drop it off at the Lion Parcel’s console, this is because the courier is only passively waiting for the pick up offer on the application.

package that offered to courier didn’t always goes success. Usually courier will consider the distance of pick-up location according to their ability, so this condition made some of packages (pick-up offer) back Into the search system. All packages (pick-up offer) that rejected/ignored for the second times will be thrown to storage system. From this case, we can see the pick-up order was not actually assigned to the right courier which caused them to reject/ignore the package. This made the courier feel short of a pick-up offer and complain about it.

All packages in storage system that rejected/ignored for the second time will be offer manually by Lion Parcel customer service via whatsapp to The Lion Parcel courier group. Rejected/ignored package that offered to courier by customer make this offer time consuming and through a long journey. But The plus side of this manual offer method is this pick-up order offers to many couriers this thee same time. When it offers to many courier the chance to choose the right courier will be appropriate, because there is a conversation between courier and customer service. There are some factors of pick-up offer acceptance such as distances/location or behavior of pick-up action that they did to the exist addresses.

Existing Pick-up Offer Method.

Yellow boxes are the problem that hinders pick-up offer process to received by the right courier quickly.


  • Passive & have no many task options
    Courier just waiting for pick-up offer that they can only accept for one task. So, it makes couriers do not have many choices of pick up tasks except pick-up offers which they can accept one by one.
  • Awareness
    Due to the way of courier get the pick-up offer by notification that only appears for 15 seconds, it is not enough amount of time for the courier to check the pick up offers they are getting. Sometimes notification are ignored by couriers because they are focused on their activities and they don’t have enough time to check notification that appears in a short time.
  • Distance Considerations
    Pickup offer was not always given to the right courier. Couriers were not always accept pickup offer caused of their times and distance weren’t enough to pick up it from their location. The distances The distance obtained by the courier was not the actual distance, but it was a radius distance, so it became an obstacle for couriers to estimated their time to picked up the package.
  • Conventional offer
    The package that rejected until second times will be returned to the storage system of pick-up order. This causes the package to be offered to the new courier manually by Lion Parcel customer service through the whatsapp group.


  • Direct Access
    Couriers can get their pick-up order without waiting for customer service to offer a pick-up order to them. So couriers can access the nearby pick-up order from their location.
  • Visibility of pick-up order
    Courier needs to choose several packages in a once to decide which packages that they will pick up. When they choose the package that they will pick up, it will be appropriate to pick up base on their time and location without waiting/checking for pick-up offer.
  • No time limit
    Courier needs to see their pickup offer more than 15 seconds or don’t need a time limit to see the pick-up offer. If there is no time limit on the pick-up offer, so this will gives courier a chance not to miss the pick-up offer due to 15 seconds time limit.


Due to inappropriate pick-up offer to our couriers, so it made us want to evaluate the way of our pick-up offer to our couriers. This evaluation hopefully increases courier’s pick-up order as their job. The parts that we will improve to increase the pick-up order are improve pick-up offer flow, numbers of pick-up offer, package’s option that appropriate with couriers. there’s no time limit of pick-up offer for couriers to check their offers, informative and look of location that more visible for driver.


Ok, let’s start with the part that is more visual for us to develop. The design step is how to define the problem to a solution that we did at the previous steps.

Cutting conventional flow.

We’ll cut through some of the streams that hold back pick-up deals slowly and conventionally. After cutting it, we provide a page that accommodates rejected/ignored pick-up offer to appear on that page. So we will see how the output of new design.

Pick-up Terdekat Flow

Pickup Terdekat

Pick-up terdekat’s page has list of pick-up order that are available in radius of courier location coordinate. Pick-up terdekat list has data and label similarities such pick-up card list on courier app homepage like label of product type (Onepack, Regpack, Landpack, Indopaket), customer name, package amounts, shipment id number, address dan pick-up radius distance. This pick-up list sort by nearby distance of km radius from top to bottom list.

Pickup Terdekat Flow

Pick-up Terdekat flow is a new feature that adding alternatives for couriers to have more pick-up order options for them. Couriers can check nearby pick-up offer one by one and decide which location is more familiar for them to pick it up. Couriers can also decide nearby pick-up offer base on package amount that showed on pick-up offer card.

Pick-up Terdekat User Testing

After designing Pick-up Terdekat, we did user testing on its feature to Lion Parcel’s courier. We got feedback and insight from this test, We got feedback and insight from this test, there are some pros and cons of feedbacks and insights from couriers about this feature.


  • Couriers have a chance to see many pick-up offer more than one in the same time.
  • Couriers can decide which pick-up offers are better for them to pick up pick-up.
  • Couriers don’t need to feel uncertainty passively when they just waiting for organic pick-up offer that will be offered by the system through pop up notification that will appears only in 15 seconds.
  • Couriers have more times to choose nearby pick-up offer and won’t miss pick-up offer that only offered in 15 seconds.


  • Cards that are on pick-up terdekat page look like similar like pick-up card that actives on homepage, so couriers thought that pick-up offer lists on pick-up terdekat page are pick-up order list that they accepted/had.
  • The km radius of distance that placed on pick-up terdekat card doesn’t attract courier’s attention courier’s eye, so it made courier wasn’t aware about the distance of that cards.
  • Couriers needed to move and return to map page and pick-up terdekat page to knew the pick-up location in map view ways. It made couriers take time to decide when they wanted to take pick-up offer that they chose.

User Testing Documentation.


After did some user testing we got feedbacks and insight that very helpful to improve this feature from couriers that are involved. So now we can decide which things that we have to improve to reach better usability usage of this feature. Here are some things that we will improve on the feature after we evaluated it:

  • Improves information card design of pick-up up terdekat list differently with pick-up card on homepage.
  • Highlights distance visibility on pick-up terdekat card.
  • Put map view on pick-up terdekat page to help courier checking where pick-up terdekat offers are and they can access it quickly through the same page.

From evaluation’s point of user testing that we did with couriers, so we put some design ideas on pick-up terdekat feature and determine flow improvements of this feature.

Pickup Terdekat Flow
Pickup terdekat flow on screen.

Some New Designs

Design ideas improvements make pick-up terdekat flow has additional flows and additional features like map view, list view and new detail informations. The design purposes to help couriers in increasing the amount of pick up order.

Map View

Map View in Radius Distance

  1. Refresh button: Renew the page to check new pick-up terdekat offers.
  2. Distance info: Feature ability to shows pick-up terdekat offers in km radius
  3. Information button: feature usage information.
  4. Location’s pin of Pick-up terdekat offers.
  5. Courier pin locations.
  6. Radius areas of courier pin location.
  7. Redirect button to come back to courier pin location when courier moves/pinches the map view.
  8. Information’s card of pick-up offer pin that clicking by courier.

Map View out of Radius

9. Snack bar: Tell couriers that they can’t pick up the offer out of radius area.

10. Radius pin to show pick-up order out of radius that they can’t take as long they don’t move closer to that orders.

11. Pickup Orders that are outside of radius area.

List View

  1. Product service types(Onepack, Regpack, Landpack, Bigpack)
  2. Information card:
    Customers name, package amount, shipment/booking code, address.
  3. Pick-up offer distance.
  4. Product service sub.

List View

  1. Direction button: Directs courier to pick-up address base on location coordinate.
  2. Customer address and contact informations.
  3. Ambil button : takes pickup terdekat offer to put it on homepage pick-up list.


Results of design process gave feedback and insight which very impactful in designing this feature. Feedback and insight from Lion Parcel courier bear a new design at pick-up terdekat feature that accommodate courier’s need to reach more pick-up order easily.

Based on design process we did, pick-up terdekat feature had successfully increasing pick-up order amount/chart. Although this feature increased , there are some features need to be improved in the future. Hopefully pick-up terdekat can ease courier to get more pick-up order efficiently.

Thanks to read this journey of pick-up terdekat design process. This process can’t separated of the amazing people that involved in the team of this project:

🧔🏻 Arrad Fajri as Head of Product.

🧑🏻 Agung Pratama as ex Product Manager of Lion Parcel Kurir App.

👩🏻 Dinda Bunga as Product Owner of Lion Parcel Kurir App.

🧕🏼 Anggita Prameswara as Design Manager.

🧑🏻 Widyan Rahardi as Researcher of Lion Parcel Kurir App.

🧕🏼 Yulia Syahirah as Researcher of Lion Parcel Kurir App.

🧑🏻 Muhammad Arif Malik as Designer of Lion Parcel Kurir App.

This project has some phases that had changes and additions role/troops, and here they are:

👩🏻 Athalia Tiffany as new Product Manager.

🧑🏻 Kholid A. as new Product Owner.

🧑🏻 Rezian Al Islami as New Joiner Designer.

See you in the next story! Stay tune on our page!

Written by Muhammad Arif Malik

