Redesign Home Page of Lion Parcel Driver App

arif malik
Published in
7 min readFeb 2, 2021
Image by Muhammad Arif Malik

The home page is the main page that becomes the user’s main concern when the user starts using the application. Everything on the home page will determine how the user uses the app.

Some of the applications used by drivers also such as gojek driver, grab driver, or SiCepat have their own home page appearance, this is due to the different needs of one driver activity and another. Can be seen as shown below some of the appearance of the driver application:

Previous Lion Parcel Driver App

From the display of several applications above, it can be seen that each application has its own priority to be displayed on the home page. In Lion Parcel Driver App version 1 you can see that the main part of the home page is:

Homepage of Lion Parcel Driver App V.1

So far the Lion Parcel driver app has been understood by Lion Parcel drivers because they are also given education in using the application, but when the product squad drivers do research, of course there is a design that is right and there are still shortcomings. When the product squad driver does research, in this research the product squad driver can find out which parts are not functioning optimally and of course there are also things that need to be added.

Before knowing what affects the design changes in the Lion Parcel driver app, there are two types of drivers that we need to know to find out what changes have occurred in the application. The two types of drivers are:

1. KVP driver (Kurir Virtual Parcel)
KVP drivers are drivers whose relationship is in the form of partners between individuals and Lion Parcel. This driver is registered to one of the Lion Parcel shuttles and has income based on the pickup or delivery work that the KVP driver does.

2. Driver POS (Point of Sales)
POS Driver is a driver that works for POS Lion Parcel. POS drivers are paid by Lion Parcel POS so that the POS driver income is based on the POS Lion parcel agreement and the POS driver itself.

Some things that affect design changes are the increase in several needs of the driver and Lion Parcel itself as well as a reduction from the results of research on some parts of the design that are less effective.

So, in the process of Lion Parcel driver app redesign the things to do is use a design thinking process to find insights from the driver. It is intended to fit the output of this home page redesign with the driver needs.

Design thinking illustrations by Nielsen Norman Group.


Empathize processes help product redesign to know what is it’s needs. The way that we use it in the empathic process is quantitative and qualitative research. We did quantitative and qualitative research to Lion Parcel drivers redesign to get the insight. In quantitative research we got the data by tracker system, while in qualitative research we got the results through a deep interview and we heard the driver’s complaint by app review or community’s group. So, the data that we get by quantitative and qualitative research, will help us to define the problem.


After researchers combine the research’s data, researchers got usability issues and insights clearly. We got some issues such as clarity, seem less and accessibility things. From several it’s issues, here is the issues that we’ve got:

  1. Hamburger button

All the menu in the hamburger button such as sync data and riwayat was hidden and it made the driver doesn’t aware about the existing of that feature.

2. Duty Status & greeting text

There are two types of duty in driver’s job rules, they are pick up parcel and delivery parcel type. Duty status of Lion parcel driver app v.1 assumes the driver has two job types (pick up & delivery) even if the driver just takes a pick up task, so it made the status unclear to the driver.

Greeting text has been ignored by drivers due to they already knew that they log in in their own account.

3. Card of Task List

Current task card designs don’t have any detailed product type, so they don’t know if there are priority’s card that they have to complete first. and there are new features like countdown pickup that need to show in the card to alert the driver about their countdown of their task list.

In this case, drivers also seldom use phone contact, shortcut pickup and direction on the home page. They prefer to use whatsapp contact in detail page of task card and they will contact the customer after they check all of the detail task card in detail page to make sure the order is right. So, in detail, they start to access contact buttons, direction and pick up steps.

4. Langganan (new POS features) & nearby shuttle

Apart from 3 points above there are also nearby shuttle features on the KVP app and Pelanggan features that are only available in the POS driver application. This happens because Lion Parcel customers need to subscribe to their nearest Lion Parcel POS, and each POS already has a driver that works for the POS.


From several points on defining processes and additions of new features, we want to make the application easier to use such as clarity, seem less and accessibility things. To make it happen, we use methods of hand-reach comfort zones on phones to decide the lay-outing of interface design.

Visibility Main Features

Previous problem is hard to reach with the other features like notification, sync data (bank of failed upload) and history. Especially sync data features help drivers to make their incomes more balanced if they are always able and easier to check their list of order failed upload. And notification helps the driver to know the updates of anything like new rules or other information. So, its features need to be shown more efficiently in order to help drivers find those main features easier.

Clarity of Status

Clarity status of driver duty needs to be clarified to show the type of duty like “pick up” in on or off conditions. So, drivers don’t mind the duty status between pick up parcel or delivery parcel.

In current conditions with many additional features, the urgency of greeting text is not necessary anymore for drivers, cause they already know when they logged in in their own account.

Detail of Task Card

The type of dispatch product (onepack, regpack, landpack etc) and count down of pick up have to show to the driver cause it helps the driver to prioritize which tasks that they need to complete first.

New additional features

New additional features will be added in front of the homepage’s looks. They showed in homepage due to have the same needs of accessibility like other menus, that help sender customers serviced quickly by drivers.

Prototyping and Test

The design changes of Lion Parcel driver app have also followed the design guidelines defined by design team and eliminated several parts whose urgency was not crucial when researched by researcher, such as:

1. Greeting text
2. Menu icon
3. Quick contact
4. Quick direction and quick pickup / delivery

It aims to make the clarity of looks, seem less, clear accessibility, fun, storytelling and relatable. However, the Lion Parcel driver app looks now also has many additions such as:

KVP & POS Homepage Design.
Previous & New Design.

Of all the changes to the Lion Parcel driver app’s home page, all features are displayed as clearly as possible so that drivers can see and access what they need, such as onepack’s task list cards which are distinguished by purple labels and pastel purple backgrounds or customer task list cards with red labels and emblem crown on pastel red background.

Priorities Card

The two task list cards are deliberately distinguished from other task list cards and prioritized to be at the top of the list so that drivers know which task list items must be completed first.

Also in the navigation bar. Some crucial features can be accessed on the navigation bar so that they are not hidden in the menu bar like the previous application.

Navigation Bar.
Testing Documentations.

Finally we’ve completed the process of home page redesign for Lion Parcel Driver App V.2. Home page design follows the design process that involves the driver as a user to give us insights. With new design guidelines, it changes our homepage to look more fresh.


So, hoped the changes made in the Lion Parcel Driver application can fit the needs of KVP and POS drivers appropriately. Through continuous research it is also hoped that this research can find weaknesses and further strengthen the usefulness of this application.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned to know more!

