LP’s CDs #1: Muse, Showbiz. Or: I liked them before they were cool.

Lauren Pope
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2018

This is the first post in a new writing project, which I’m calling LP’s CDs.

I had the idea while I was having a big clear out. I decided it was time to finally part with the c200 CDs I’ve dragged around with me through a series of moves, despite not owning anything I can play them on.

I wanted to find a way to preserve them for posterity somehow, because they meant so much to me when I was younger. Some are hilariously bad, some are still fucking cool. I promise not to skip the the embarrassing ones.

The idea is that I’ll pick one at random, post a photo of the cover, a link to a song from it, and a few words about what it meant to me then, and what I think about it now.

So here goes…

Muse, Showbiz, 1999

Just so you know, I liked Muse first, okay? Way before they were cool.

I can remember preordering Showbiz from Our Price (!) after seeing the video for Muscle Museum on TV.

I waited impatiently for a few weeks for it to arrive. When it finally showed up, I was in love from first listen. I was having a lot of Feelings™ and appreciated the fact that it was a bit baroque and over-the-top.

Sadly, I fell out of love with Muse after Origin of Symmetry because:

  1. Suddenly everyone liked them.
  2. They started to sound a bit too much like Queen.
  3. I wore my Muse t-shirt to the doctor’s where he told me it was also the name of an erectile dysfunction treatment.

This is the first time I’ve listened to Muse in a really, really long time. I remember Muscle Museum being a favourite back then, but it hasn’t stood the test of time at all IMO. Sunburn still sounds pretty good to me, so that’s my pick:

While you’re here, I’m running a conference as part of Brighton Digital Festival. It’s called Curio, and it’s about content and curiosity. I’d love to see you there.



Lauren Pope

Not publishing on Medium these days - find me at lapope.com writing about content strategy and content design for charities and non-profits.