India is facing an Engineering calamity.

Sanjay Verma
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2020

India’s concern of unsatisfactory engineering is generally known. With the exception of IITs and other tier 1 colleges, most engineering universities can’t give relevant and updated education that would land them good jobs.

Since 2016, the quantity net seats has been on the decay. As indicated by AICTE, it is around 75,000 yearly. In 2016–17, absolute admission limit at undergrad level was 15,71,220, of which all out enrollment was 7,87,127, which is simply around 50.1 percent. In 2015–16, all out admission was 16,47,155, of which enrollment was 8,60,357, which was 52.2 percent.

What is the reason for this decline? Colleges continue to dole out outdated education, which serves little purpose in today’s corporate ecosystem. So, after a student graduates, he is unable to find a good job due to his lack of updated knowledge. And the graduates who do get a job, often face difficulties in retaining their jobs.

It’s an uphill battle trying to restructure the entire Indian education system. But, what can we do? For our future engineers to survive and for India to have a better economy because of it, we need to upskill.

Educating yourself and to stay relevant to current trends is extremely important. We live in an age where technology takes massive strides every year- enterprises undergo major overhaul to counter to the change. So, the employee becomes a liability if he is not up to date with the trends.

The good part is, they do not have to do this alone. Certain establishments upskill students and employees, and help them get a better job. The best out of all of them, is LrnEd. LrnEd is India’s top career accelerator, which helps recently employed individuals upskill and get coveted jobs in prestigious institutions.

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