Nadene wanted this year to be different

LRTT Stories
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2017

At the start of this year Nadene decided she wanted to push herself and experience something completely different, she’s now joined an LRTT Fellowship in Cambodia, find out how she ended up there.

As New Year begins we all set targets for the year, well we at least try to. Some people give up alcohol, others promise to go to the gym every single day. For me though, I’ve never been the type of person to buy into this ‘New Year new me’ mantra. This year though things were different. I wanted to push myself and have a completely new experience.

It is rare that I get a moment of inspiration scrolling through Facebook, but you are just going to have to believe me on this one. While doing my routine browse (we all do it) an advert jumped out at me — it was from LRTT. Clicking on the advert lead me to a video all about an LRTT Fellowship, I was completely hooked, I just had to apply.

I applied that day, completing a simple application specifying the country that I would like to carry out the Fellowship in — there were ten to choose from. I sent the application off and couldn’t believe that the next day I had a response from one of the team leaders and soon after an interview was arranged.

Although I was nervous about the interview, there was really nothing to worry about. It was all very relaxed and friendly and nice to be able to share my passion for teaching and explain why I should be part of a Fellowship. As a newly qualified teacher, I didn’t know if I would have the experience to join an LRTT Fellowship, but I was quickly reassured that being a newly qualified teacher had a lot to add and were very much welcomed.

With much excitement, I didn’t have to wait long to find out that I had been successful and accepted onto the LRRT Cambodia Fellowship, this year was shaping up just nicely! Soon enough, I was part of a WhatsApp group, LRRT Fellows Facebook and a LRRT Cambodia Facebook group. I was also quick to meet up with other Fellows through a social organised by LRTT. Not only was this really enjoyable but it was also reassuring meeting people with the same questions and apprehensions that I had. Suddenly, I had become part of this amazing community of teachers all excited to be sharing this experience together.

I have always wanted to travel but I wanted to travel with a purpose, LRTT has finally given me this purpose, now I just can’t wait to get started.

Are you a teacher interested in a Fellowship or just wanting to find out more about LRTT. Please visit



LRTT Stories

LRTT is an international social enterprise that facilitates community-level teacher training in 10 incredible countries.