‘The Fellows have been more than just mentors to us’ (Nepali teacher)

LRTT Stories
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2018

Moovie, a teacher in Nepal, shares her experience of LRTT training. Nepali teachers have been working throughout the summer with a team of Fellows, to learn from each other and develop their teaching practice.

A Fellow giving feedback in a micro-teaching session in Nepal

The days of teacher training with LRTT Fellows have been such an amazing experience for me. Along with our team members, I got an opportunity to learn some practical and useful techniques that are going to be really very fruitful in our classrooms.

Nim and Omar (LRTT Fellows) have been more than just mentors to us. These days of teacher training with them were spent very joyfully, with an excitement to learn new things every minute.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nim and Omar for being such friendly mentors and also to the whole team of organisers for letting us learn some very useful skills and techniques. I hope for some more productive and positive trainings in the coming days.

Thank you!

Moovie Sharma (teacher in Nepal)

LRTT Fellows deliver inspiring teacher training to teachers around the world, who teach in situations with limited resources. This teacher training takes a variety of forms, including classroom observations and feedback, modelling, team teaching, and professional development workshops. The cross-cultural exchange of ideas helps both the Fellows and the in-country teachers to learn and grow as educators. Fellows build strong relationships with in-country teachers throughout the programme.

To learn more about the Fellowship opportunities for teachers, click here.

Fellows and teachers enjoying lunch together



LRTT Stories

LRTT is an international social enterprise that facilitates community-level teacher training in 10 incredible countries.