#AdoptionIsHere — LTO Network

Stefan van Oirschot
LTO Network
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

LTO Network enables collaboration between multiple organizations and departments via decentralized workflows, where parties can keep using their own (legacy) systems to participate in a process.

Being a backer of LTO Network (LegalThings One at the time) since late 2017 I anxiously awaiting the launch of the mainnet. January 12 it was finally there, block 1 was generated (Explorer the network yourself here: https://explorer.ltonetwork.com/).

LTO Network mainnet — block 1

I am in no way an expert in the area of Blockchain or DLT for that matter. I understand the fundamentals, the 101 and maybe even the 201. What I find interesting is finding awesome use cases of distributed ledger technology from a technology and business case point of view. In my opinion LTO Network is 1 of few.

Why LTO Network?

The LTO Network is a technologically mature platform, combined with a great roadmap (#AdoptionIsComing), executed by an enthusiastic team, supported by multiple international customers and backed by an awesome community full of individuals improving the LTO Network project every day through their many contributions (#AdoptionIsHere).

Want to start contributing? Start reading here and become part of this amazing community! More? Just open the Wiki and become familiar with all the aspects of LTO Network.

Can you think of other arguments for why LTO Network is great? Leave them in the comments!

Want to know more? Check out the LTO Network website at https://lto.network and join the Telegram LTO Network chat via https://t.me/joinchat/AJWQTUDKtDlsuGHVFb40eQ



Stefan van Oirschot
LTO Network

Chief Digital Advisor at Red Hat | Creating organizational impact through Open Transformation