Capptions & LTO Network: User experience first. Giving blockchain a mobile face.

Capptions and LTO Network are rolling out blockchain capabilities to Capptions’ platform, serving 75 enterprise customers with over 20,000 end-users. Capptions’ platform will be utilising LTO’s flagship anchoring and decentralized workflow capabilities to provide immutable records relating to business process to ensure accountability in all aspects of operations.

LTO Network
LTO Network
3 min readMar 8, 2019


Capptions is now integrating blockchain anchoring for their workflow applications. Every step in the workflow application is hashed and anchored on the LTO Network public blockchain utilizing Proof Engine (an immutable digital notary). This provides timestamping and ensures the integrity of digital data. An immutable audit trail can be shared with regulators, clients or value-chain partners in a secure way.

With LTO Network enabled in the Capptions apps we give the blockchain a mobile face

Anchoring has been enabled across the entire Capptions platform

  • environmental, health & safety regulatory compliance
  • asset inspections in sea-going conditions
  • securing kitchen hygiene in 5-star hotel kitchens
  • quality control in high-end sub-sea structure and vital automotive parts manufacturing
  • operational safety and equipment integrity for the world’s’ largest vertical transportation company
  • supporting maintenance specialists while operating on top of the highest wind-mills in the world

We believe that a user should be educated on what blockchain is and how it adds value in day-to-day operations. By integrating LTO Network’s anchoring service across the Capptions platform, we are able to give blockchain a mobile face.

— Jonathan Stolk, CEO and Founder of Capptions.

For Capptions, adding blockchain to our applications was also something that we could explain to clients. We are dealing with environmental inspections carried out by the Dutch government, Oil terminal inspections for parties like Fujairah Oil and safeguarding re-fueling of thousands of aircrafts at Schiphol airport. Our inspection app handles sensitive and vital data so immutability is critical. By implementing blockchain we’re able to let eco-systems of stakeholders monitor and secure a decentralized audit-trail in real-time at every stage.

Capptions and LTO Network have been working together since they won the tender to streamline Waste Transportation for The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (‘ILT’) of the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure. Waste producers, transporters and processors, as well as various national inspectorates, set up ad-hoc blockchains anchored on the LTO Network to secure the integrity of data in a GDPR compliant way.

Capptions-developed UI (applications) make it easy for end users to streamline workflows, while the security of digital data is ensured by Proof Engine (also referred to as layer 1, public blockchain of LTO Network). With the Decentralized Workflows enabled (also referred to as layer 2), the ILT is getting the full potential out of the LTO Network blockchain.

Check Capptions’ official partner release

Capptions, founded in 2015, is a Rotterdam-based business data-capture and insights platform that allows teams to digitize processes for managing operations, compliance, and continuous improvement. The app-builder enables them to do the work themselves without the need for IT-expertise and expensive, outsourced software development . — source



LTO Network
LTO Network

Using hybrid blockchain and Live Contracts to help organizations break out of data silos. GDPR compliant & easy to integrate. MAIN BLOG