KYC is open! Token details are live.

We are releasing the final crowd sale metrics with the new token page, opening up the KYC process, and announcing the early bird gas war bonus. January 14, 11:00 AM UTC is the day!

LTO Network
LTO Network
3 min readJan 12, 2019


We moved away from medium! Please go to the official blog for the latest information, new content, and engaging activities:


The KYC has been enabled! There is a simple funnel you need to go through on the platform in order to be able to participate.

Keep in mind that LTO points are not required to participate in the crowd sale. LTO points are part of a separate community programme — more info can be found here.

How do I participate in the crowd sale?

  1. Register on the platform and pass KYC. Depending on your KYC level of choice (read in the next section), you will either be able to contribute up to 40 ETH, or any amount without a personal cap.
  2. Wait for the KYC confirmation email. Your wallet address will be added to the Smart Contract after approval.
  3. Send ETH to the smart contract address to be displayed later on the token page. Only send ETH from a wallet which private keys you control, so no exchange wallets. Also, make sure your wallet is compatible with the ERC-20 token standard. A regular MEW MyEtherWallet or a Metamask wallet would work just fine!
  4. At the end of the sale, the contract will automatically calculate the number of tokens you get, and either the ETH refund in case the cap is over-reached, or the amount of tokens that are burned. Details here.
  5. That’s it! Right away you will have the fully liquid ERC-20 tokens. After that, you can keep helping LTO Network speed up the network adoption: run a node, lease tokens to companies, and take part in the community programme to receive even more LTO!

KYC funnel

There is a two-way funnel.

  1. Under 40ETH + non-US “affiliated”.
    A simple form with some details. You will simply need to fill out such info as email/name/address, plus carefully read and accept the legal disclaimer.
  2. Above 40ETH and/or US ”affiliated”.
    A stringent KYC process with a video verification. You would need to provide your proof of residence and passport information

What do early birds get? GAS WARS!

Read more here.

There is a bonus which starts at 7%, with every next transaction getting 0.05% less bonus (7%->6.95%->6.9%…), down until it goes to 0%.

This implies a small “gas war” (FCFS) within the fair crowd sale model we designed. Only 140 transactions will get a bonus— meaning that you would need to throw stones at the smart contract as soon as 11:00 UTC hits!

Find out all the information on the new token page!

  • FAQ about sale rounds and community programme
  • Token metrics
  • Bridge troll



LTO Network
LTO Network

Using hybrid blockchain and Live Contracts to help organizations break out of data silos. GDPR compliant & easy to integrate. MAIN BLOG