You. Are. Awesome ❤️ Community management and rewards + update.

Our community has been expanding since summer 2017. But in the past 3 months, the activity has grown even more. THANK YOU — to all wonderful LTO members! This is your spotlight :)

LTO Network
7 min readApr 12, 2019


We moved away from medium! Please go to the official blog for the latest information, new content, and engaging activities:

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We believe that a community is vital to the success of open-source blockchain projects. With proper attention, hype can be converted into work for the sake of the network. You can read our community thesis here. And it’s time to pay our debts 💡 and give a shoutout to some of the most amazing and enthusiastic community members who are building network tools, helping us with marketing, adoption, and everything that comes together with it!

With LTO Network, you don’t have to be just a passive holder. You can engage in daily activities, help us with clients, build tools — and earn more LTO in the process!

Tech Lab: Building Tools

We have a production-ready product and seamless API experience, you can build tools, integrate anchoring in your applications and help us develop Live Contracts which are close to the last stage of tuning the documentation!

Our community is super talented and has built various cool tools to track network statistics: wallet movements, transactions generators, and so on. This helps create a decentralized network, where every leasing node has their own community, as well as minimize security risks of trusting the core team to show the correct stats.

Here are some really cool notable ones:

You can build your own tool! Join the Tech Lab ->

Business Band: making adoption happen

You can help us get more integrators and clients to build on top of LTO Network. The products are ready to be used. More users = more transactions = stable and secure network!

Our community is actually helping us get more clients. Since the inception of the idea of Live Contracts, many enthusiastic Dutch members (quite a few are from the corporate world) helped us with introductions to prospects. Stefan, Joel, Nathan, Cas, Sander, Mickey, and other community members are doing an amazing job at helping us strengthen our market presence and bring more adoption into the LTO Network ecosystem. It’s going really well!

  • Join the Business Band
  • Send leads and ideas you have
  • Introduce us to companies you are close with
  • Get an invite to the trello board from the business chat admins
  • Referral Fee: we reward you for successful integrations

Check out the guide book ->

Reward me, sir!

As we mentioned before, engaging community into day-to-day activities is essential, but it also means they should be entitled to rewards. And we take that very seriously. But our motto is simple: Working+Holding=Rewards.

Indeed, in the LTO community being active is not only cool but is also rewarding. You are probably thinking of airdrops of 10 dollars, but hell no. Here is the thing, most active members get over 500USD in LTO a month! And here is an even cooler thing: unlike airdrops which fly down the drain, our community uses those LTO to stake and grow the network!

We take out community seriously and we appreciate them ->

Community Feedback 😻

From our lovely James & Rita, 🇻🇳 Vietnamese community:

Hello everyone, James and Rita from Viet Nam. We are the people who love and support LTO from the S-shaped country. We love the cryptoworld and love real projects with impact on the real world.

We support LTO with everything we can, create infographic / gif, translate articles, advertise on Vietnam tele groups. The future we intend to run a separate node and encourage members in my country to do it, now I prefer leasing.

From our boss JayJay, 🇳🇱 Dutch community:

In The Netherlands, we like to say: if it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much! Maybe that’s why the Dutch support for LTO is so strong? Or maybe because we like to think we have a good eye for great potential tech. Our country may be small, but we initiate big movements. We strongly believe that LTO can be one of the biggest business to business blockchain platforms in the world.

Our Dutch LTO community already counts almost 200 users at time of writing and there has been a lot of great conversations and initiatives from within our little sub-community. We offer the biggest node support for LTO as well, with Sander, Erwin, Patrick, Fexra, G1zm0, Jelle and jayjay running on the the first and biggest public nodes on the LTO network. Wanna get involved? Hop over to our channel and get us over the 200 members resistance!

From Joel & Ignacio 🇪🇸 Spanish community:

Hello world, here Joel and Ignacio. We are a LTO lover team from Spain. We like tech and creating communities. In Europe, data protection is one of the most important issues while doing business.

We are excited about everything that needs to be done about it. We run one of the largest generator nodes of the network which was also one of the first public LTO nodes launched. Ignacio has build a friendly Telegram Bot with real time statistics and auto-withdrawals which makes the stake of yout LTOs much easier and handy for everybody. We also love memes and viralization, we are artists!!

From comrade Dima 🇷🇺 Russian community:

Greatings, my friend, I am comrade Dmitriy and I want to held a word on behalf of russian-speaking LTO community.

Tho russian-speaking community is one of the biggest and strongest in crypto world — LTO group is raletevly small by number, but that is for now. You know how they say about russians? “They prepare slow and then drive really fast”. We are severe, rude, we like to ask uncomfortable questions, believe no one and call everything a scam.

But when we love something — we love from our hearts and till the very end. Convince us and you get loyal follower. Not simple hodler, but spartan warrior who will fight with army of fudders till death through all telegram groups. We are small but we have talents, from genious programmers to great writers, from meme-makers to leaders of biggest channels of crypto-space. If You are friend to LTO — than You are our dear friend and guest.

Join us and let’s make adoption great together!

From Ece 🇹🇷 Turkish community:

Hello LTO lovers! Greetings from Turkey. Our community consists of passionate LTO Network fans, who believe in LTO Network’s vision and long term goals. Turkish people are very much interested in the cryptocurrency projects and they are very involved with it. We are very happy to be a part of the LTO Network family and we are doing our best to make the blockchain adoption here and today. Come and join us in this gamechanger project, with a real use case, a great business approach and a teriffically engaged community.

We have many other wonderful community members: Eric, Wagyu Beef (lol), Daan, tsujimura, Cagatay, Kanis, malexaffey, Nick, Rosco, Coiner, and honestly the list can go over hundreds of members! From my experience in crypto communities, you will hardly ever find such a big, friendly, enthusiastic and very motivated community — wanna be a part of it? 👥

We are releasing something fun on Monday, April 15. If you are at the Odyssey hackathon, you might get a glimpse already there. Stay tuned for more news in our Telegram channel or Twitter. Here is a sneak peek ^

LTO hoodie into every household!

Also, we have tested out the first merch line. Stay tuned for the updates on how to win hoodies, caps, t-shirts! For example, Stefan won the mini-wiki contest and gets one of these bad boys. Check out more submissions with #AdoptionIsComing & #AdoptionIsHere hashtags on Twitter.

Your input matters. It makes a difference. Join us at LTO!



LTO Network

Building narratives. Drunk posting in @10b57e6da0