September Highlights

Ladies that UX London
Ladies that UX London
3 min readSep 18, 2017


Written by Marwa Khalil

Welcome to the September Highlights, where we bring you a shortlist of our favourite UX, design and tech gems on the internet. If you missed last month’s highlight you can find it here.

This is the time of year where students start a new academic year, so in the spirit of education we have picked out some great posts in the ‘Back to school’ section; including a great post on getting started with drawing.

Our featured post this month is a Q&A with Georgie Bottomley, co-founder of Ladies that UX and Senior UX Researcher at Atlassian. We’ve also got more design, tech and lifestyle picks for you including David Kelly’s thought s on creative confidence, an open letter to women in tech and tips on working with developers.

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😻 If you have anything you want featured, why not get in touch? We would love to hear from you.



Back to school

Women & Tech

Work & Lifestyle


From the archives

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About the Author

Marwa Khalil is a London based UX and UI designer who has had the chance to work with some great London startups and SaaS companies. She is a regular contributor and editor for the LTUX London blog. Stay up to date with her on Medium, Twitter and Instagram.



Ladies that UX London
Ladies that UX London

Monthly meetup in London for women in UX or interested in UX.