Lessons Learned From Aquarism

What I learned from aquarism for life.

Lucas Katayama
Lucas Katayama



I bought a aquarium to start a hobby, but thinking more deeply it becomes a way to think about my life.

What I learned?

Be patient

Nonthing comes in just a minute. If you want a plant to grow strong and green, you need to wait. Do not rush. If you do, you start to add instability and then all the balance goes away. After all, haste is the enemy of perfection.

Be in control

You need to check everything around. Every enviroment parameter matters. If one of them goes beyond limits, everything can be compromised.

You’re not like the other

Everything you do won’t be like the other one. Your plants won’t be green like the other one. Your fish won’t be shiny like the other one. Your water won’t be crystal clear like the other one. Because your decisions are your deicisions.

Don’t give up

Everything in the world can go wrong. Your plants can die anytime. Your fish can get sick anytime. But if you don’t stand up when you drop, you can’t achieve your goals.


Everyone around can help you, but don’t accept everything. Analyze and judge every opinion people give. Seller wants to sell.

And most important DO IT!

Don’t be afraid. If you are and you step back, you never reach your goals.

