Microsoft’s Turn

Lil Ramen
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2018

Microsoft started with Windows 1.0 in late 1985 and for the time it was a very advanced OS. It was based off of DOS, one of the first OS ever made.

It seems like up until Windows 8 they kinda had the same look or design mentality. Windows 7 or Vista if you look back on them after any time on Windows 10 you will notice how much of an atrocity they were. That’s in the past now. So is 8 probably for the better, I remember using it and it was the glitchiest piece of shit out there, and I used Vista on a low end machine back in the day.

Now, you’ll be hard pressed to find a new PC with anything but Windows 10 on it. And I must say it is good. To me, you have to have 6 GB or more of RAM to really have Windows run well, upon other things like a decent enough PC, you can’t slap 32 GB of RAM with any CPU/GPU and get Crysis 3 at 8k. Unfortunately I only have 4 in my laptop, with integrated AMD graphics taking up 512 MB and a A6, so it’s not like I can harness the full power of Windows 10.

With Macbooks it’s been kinda at the point where you can do alot of productivity work without having to worry too much about it. Windows machines have caught up definitely. Microsoft surface is a true work station and productivity machine. Windows is known to work across many platforms and many architectures.

Windows is the most diverse OS. The most apps, most uses. More userbases covered, more people happy. That’s the Windows Cycle. It has definitely contributed to Bill Gates being the richest man in the world, while owning the 3rd riches company. This is the company that went into 1998 at $15 per stock on the stock market, and by 1999 years end worth almost 4X that per stock.

Microsoft has been for the office users. Microsoft has been for the gamers. Microsoft has been for everyone for so long. Maybe we shouldn’t be discrediting them on Windows 10 as much as some people do. It truly is a work of art, nothing like windows 8 the master of glitching. It’s a good OS. It’s a true Mac OS competitor for creators. Maybe soon Microsoft will bring out iMac Pro competitor. The surface is not really a true Mac competitor though it does run well.

Overall windows is getting more creative it’s not like the bland OS that came on beige PCs in the 90s.



Lil Ramen

Hello! My name is Lucas, or Lil Ramen, my main goal with my articles are to help small communities and create change.