Problems of a small Creator and a solution

Lil Ramen
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2018

I started making content back in 2015. It was not quality content but it was content and looking back on it I can see what my vision was back then but that didn’t work out and couldn’t with my resources I had at the time. I remember about a year in I got to 10 subscribers on YouTube and I was happy. March 23rd will have marked my 3rd year making YouTube videos. And it took me till a few weeks ago to hit 50 subscribers. My content over time changed. I remember doing Minecraft videos and recently, meme videos. The first thing that held me back was my age, which was understandable. I was 12 and I could not simply do that. I had no experience in editing and was bad even at Minecraft. And the second thing was my resources. Back then not having a good PC, microphone etc held me back from making quality content. I don’t think I make content to my full potential now but I do much much better in my vision now than I did years ago. One thing that changed was my power over my resources. I have a small income from working and know what my vision is, what my resources are, and what resources I need. Resources I need to do the vision that I have now a lot more reasonable than they were three four years ago back then my vision was to make Minecraft videos and have fun and that the part about the fun that stays true today. Nowadays I have lot more technology that I can use and I know how to use a technology that I have to get to my vision. Of course when I was 11 and 12 and didn’t know how to edit I wasn’t really good at typing I didn’t know how to write articles which turns out to be a big part of my vision. Back then still I didn’t know what my full vision was I added LucasMediaGroup to my vision and there from April 2017 to now it’s expanded.

Now that I have discussed the first part of the article I want to move on to the second part of this article which is the resources and the solution to these problems. The one problem outside of resources and vision I see and small concrete theaters is growth with gross the hardest Milestone is probably 10 subscribers maybe you can 50 maybe 100 it depends on your content and your vision.

YouTube is a huge company. What’s a thousands of smaller creators on YouTube and making their own videos I think that they should invest in small creators if they’re investing millions of dollars for shows. A small creator with a big Vision can do more if they invest just enough for equipment and then they paid and just advertising. Creators usually don’t have that much money to put down on equipment like $1,000 computers when they start. YouTube running a program to invest in people and not content, that can be a lot more powerful of an investment for YouTube. The number one thing to invest and is people not products or content or anything but people people make content and products happen. End of the day it’s the people who have the vision.

Another way I think that YouTube could help small creators other than just equipment is in growth because that is more challenging than getting equipment. I have seen systems at play before where you can ask somebody for feedback on lyrics or something and once they accomplished that feedback they get feedback point and they can ask for feedback on something of theirs. If course there’s other ways to get feedback or something like that where you can just ask a random stranger for feedback that would help that would help small creators a lot like if it’s that easy to find subscribers and get your name out there.

We have heard the story before. Someone with nothing comes up with something and turns nothing into something. Us small creators usually don’t hAve that much and can’t afford equipment to mature their style, using these features on either an external site or on YouTube itself would be great additions. Not only on YouTube, having the feature to support multiple platforms like medium and Instagram would help more.

With YouTube currently I dont see them doing this any time soon. I think I’d prefer if the feed back system was a browser add on simply to support more platforms. Nonetheless it would be a great system for growth.



Lil Ramen

Hello! My name is Lucas, or Lil Ramen, my main goal with my articles are to help small communities and create change.