Luchadores are coming to space!

Luchadores Chronicles


The LUCHA token was launched a few days ago, with the start of the airdrop to Luchadores NFT holders. The community supplied liquidity on various decentralized exchanges and there are now interesting opportunities on the LUCHA token.

Thanks to the incredible support of the community, a joint liquidity mining program launched with Cometh. It will provide 3500 LUCHA & matching MUST rewards to liquidity providers of the LUCHA/wMATIC and LUCHA/MUST pool over the first week.

Many Luchadores enthusiasts discovered DeFi with the LUCHA token launch and provided liquidity for the first time: that’s so heartwarming to see, but please make sure you’ve read the basics about impermanent loss before providing liquidity.

This article explains how to take part in the two rewards programs and highlights opportunities on the LUCHA and MUST tokens earned.

Supplying liquidity

To take part in the liquidity mining program, the first step is to supply liquidity to one of the incentivized pools, currently, that’s:

You’ll need a proportionate amount of each token to supply liquidity. Both wMATIC and MATIC can be used. When you supply a liquidity pool, you receive a corresponding amount of LP tokens to recognize your deposits. They will come in handy at the next step!

Before supplying liquidity, make sure you are familiar with what impermanent losses entail

Keep in mind that you might want to save some LUCHA to stake them for untransferable MASK tokens used to acquire accessories, coming shortly!

Staking LP tokens for rewards

Once you’ve provided liquidity, you’re earning your share of the fees collected by the pool:

You can also now stake your LP tokens on Cometh to earn additional LUCHA & MUST rewards. Visit the Cometh staking page to get started.

Compounding the rewards

Staking LP tokens will reward depositors with both LUCHA & MUST tokens. If depositors wish to further grow their stake in both projects, there are several ways reward could be compounded:

  • Directly on ComethSwap, to provide additional liquidity on the LUCHA/MUST pair and earn more rewards.
  • Through the Cometh game, where you can stake MUST in the TUBE to earn NFTs. Users who hold spaceships NFT and stake MUST are also eligible for passive rewards, paid in MUST/MATIC LP (that can be further compounded).

Check this article to get a better understanding of what can be done with MUST tokens and/or spaceships:

Cometh Beyond ☄️ The Passive Reward Transition ⚗️

For more information or questions, join the merry bunch on the Luchadores Discord.



Luchadores Chronicles

FR/EN | Enthralled by decentralised finance & playing my part to bring it to mainstream My content lives here 👉