Explaining BTFD and STFR In The Simplest Way I Can

A guide to buying dips, and selling rips

Money out of Air
3 min readMay 4, 2018


If you run in certain circles, you already know what BTFD and STFR mean. You can stop reading. This might be too easy for you. But if you don’t, and want to up your whole look, this post is for you.

BTFD stands for Buy The F’ing Dip.

STFR stands for Sell The F’ing Rip.

I created a full guide to buying dips here. Give it a read if you really want to dive in.

To explain BTFD and STFR I will show you two charts. The first is for BTFD. In this beautiful world, everything is in an uptrend. It’s a bull market, life is good, bees are pollinating, and people are buying. Money is raining from the heavens. Dips are your best friend. Like Jeff Bezos once told a founder before he bought his company outright, dips are “the octopus I must have!”

So BTFD is buying dips in an uptrend, and looking for the best moments to add or lower your cost basis. Your mindset is focused around one thing and one thing only: dips are life. Say that with me five times fast.

But no market or crypto or stock goes up forever.

Sometimes the asset you're watching starts to drop, fade, or go sideways. It falls out of demand, or it messes something up. It’s at that point when you must adjust your mindset. Maybe now is the time to harvest gains, or to add some exposure by shorting. This is when STFR begins. Sell the f’ing rip!

Of course these charts make it look a little too easy. And yes, everything is perfect in hindsight. But we’re not here to debate the laws of reality. We are instead talking about the mindsets that govern markets when they’re going up or down. BTFD when things are trending up, STFR when things are trending down.

I hope that helped. That’s what I’m here for. I like to give everyone a chance to learn about markets, both the ridiculous and thoughtful. Even if you spend your entire day playing Fortnite, I can help. Check out some of my other posts by looking through my profile here on Medium.

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Money out of Air

I write about investing and manage my own account. I look for misunderstood companies that can be big long-term winners.