What I Learned About Investing In 2019

More than 50 things I learned about markets

Money out of Air


Each year I do this, I’m reminded of how little I actually know. I think it’s important to accept and reflect on that reality. Someone recently said to me, “every time you meet someone, they know something you don’t.” I think that is a great way to go through life — curious, learning, and listening to all the things you could have never predicted or taken the time to learn about.

I first started writing my yearly investing lessons in 2016. I found it to be rewarding and it was a pleasure to publish it online, in front of everyone, to not only get feedback, but to also hold myself accountable for what I believe in or see in markets. I think that takes guts. You can read my previous reflections here. Enjoy!

  1. The financial statement is what grounds a company in reality. Everything else is a “story.”
  2. There is something new to learn in markets each day and the second you forget that, the moment you think you know better, markets will show you otherwise.
  3. In technical analysis, the most important indicator is volume. You want to avoid slippage. And you want to know where most of the people are transacting.
  4. If you don’t understand something in a financial statement, research it. Do not…



Money out of Air

I write about investing and manage my own account. I look for misunderstood companies that can be big long-term winners.