Archived article

GHG Reporting and Corporate Climate Strategy

Case Study



With the increasing reality of global climate change, the need for corporations to take responsibility for their carbon footprint is imperative. Corporate implementation of sustainable business models, particularly focusing on the reduction of hazardous greenhouse emissions, not only generates positive social and environmental impact, but also contributes to market advantage.

In 2014, WWF Deutschland and the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) began a mission dedicated to detailing the importance of corporate climate strategy for the German market. Prior to 2014 no corporate emissions reporting sources, written or otherwise, were available in the German language, making it difficult for German organizations and industries to act adequately against the effects of climate change

The WWF Deutschland and the CDP initially approached Lucid to aid in the production of a German language corporate climate strategy and emissions reporting guide. In cooperation with PriceWaterhouseCooper, the two organizations scripted a specialized text providing instruction on best practice for German industries regarding corporate climate strategy and GHG reporting. The text, written largely in expert technical jargon, was presented to Lucid with the request of producing a more comprehensive, “user-friendly” handbook. After a lengthy process of transcribing, editing and reediting the original documents; designing infographics, icons, a corporate logo, and producing an educational video, “Vom Emissionsbericht zur Klimastrategie” (Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Corporate Climate Strategy) was created as the first German language publication outlining the specifics of corporate emissions reporting.

German Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting Initiative

As with many professional developments, producing and thoroughly understanding a product often provides further opportunity with a client. In this case, working intimately with the Klimareporting material for the manual, gave Lucid the competitive advantage when bidding for the redesign of — a website based on, and expanding the details of the manual.

The Publication in e-Book Format

For the client’s goal was to build a strong brand constructed around a knowledge-based community platform, and a coalition for emissions reduction. To do this, we created a cohesive image concept including logo, corporate design and interactive infographics. Our priority was to produce a visually appealing interface, creating the best user-experience possible. Like “Vom Emissionsbericht zur Klimastrategie”, is the first of its kind in the area of German corporate climate strategy and emissions reporting. The platform provides businesses and organizations the tools required to measure, report, and limit their greenhouse gas emissions, and includes such valuable tools as online consultancy services, a login-area offering an expert online-forum, and an interactive, continually expanding glossary of key terms.

As a final resource, a climate reporting cost/benefit analysis designed by Lucid, and written in cooperation with international professional service company KPMG, will be available in both print and online.

Helping Develop Policies for Mandatory GHG Reporting is a comprehensive portfolio of analogue and digital tools, providing the German market with essential GHG reporting methods. Presently, the reporting of GHGs remains voluntary, however as countries around the world continue to develop policies for mandatory GHG reporting, it is important to implement consistent and transparent methods of corporate emissions reporting. As guidelines change, so too will with continued development, maintenance and analysis of the platform, ensuring compliancy with new regulations.




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