
The Era of Digital Responsibility

The case on CSR strategies in the digital sphere



As we showed earlier this month, the importance of #CSR & #ESG has been steadily increasing for about 50 years. Nowadays, society and companies must also assume their digital responsibility for the best possible interaction on the internet.

We should embrace the fact that we are on the path to full global connectivity. Soon everybody everywhere will be connected to the internet, with humanity already wielding this network to protect and innovate our world. Digitalization has undoubtedly become one of the most potent tools for a sustainable planet. A growing number of companies have assumed their role and power in innovating digitally the way we cooperate globally. But, to make a real change, it is crucial that companies also define ethical standards for their digital projects when interacting with individuals, groups, organizations, places, and objects in the digital sphere.

With its roots and decade-spanning understanding of digitalization for good, Lucid.Studio has always acknowledged its own Corporate Digital Responsibility and that of our clients and partners. As we look back over the years of creating impactful and sustainable digital solutions, we daily deal with threats to users and communities.

Let’s first talk about the benefits and potential of a well-planned and carefully implemented web project design. It is accessible, easy-to-use, barrier-free, and multilingual. The system is light, optimizable, and extendable. Data is well protected, but monitoring and reporting are easy to execute and share. Most importantly, the solution fulfills the precise needs of the users and is adaptable if these needs might change. Well-designed digital solutions can change lives for the better and even save them. During the Covid-19 pandemic, some tremendous digital intervention projects did so, while many failed, often even to provide people with the basic information and orientation that would have been crucial for many.

Therefore, corporate digital responsibility implies taking care of users and the people affected by the new technology we operate. Our “digital intervention” projects for good involve considering our solutions’ economic, environmental, social, and technological consequences to ensure we do no harm and create durable applications. In our human rights-related work, we quite often had to carefully avoid life-threatening effects for those who participate in advocacy activities or report and testify globally on crimes.

But even without being a victim, witness, or activist, everybody is threatened by biased algorithms that impose systematic and unfair discrimination on us. And, whether a much-cited dystopia will come true, and soon omnipotent AIs will uncontrollably rule our infrastructure and networked devices, we do not know. But indeed, these concerns are another indication that it is time to define and foster digital responsibility and ethical design.

That’s why we aim to foster and strengthen fair online activity and interaction of any user and detest those who try to rob, trap, expose, exploit, marginalize, exclude, silence, or even spy out people. And we believe that everybody should do so.

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We specialize in developing and implementing targeted strategies and solutions for sustainable change. More at Lucid.Berlin