3 Devilishly Difficult Writing Warm Ups As Prescribed By Penguins

Go on challenge yourself to keep within the rules of the game. I double dare you!

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


CREDIT: Image by Petra from Pixabay

Sometimes I get bored writing standard articles. Sure, we’re living in the age where everyone is being diagnosed with ADHD or autism so it’s probably one of those two. Or maybe both. However you cut it, whether it’s neuro-divergent neuroticism or dopamine depleted discourse here are some ways you can keep a challenge in your writing.

Give it a go but beware, this fun little brainfuck won’t make you more creative in the slightest. To get more creative you’ll have to go to museums, galleries, streaming platforms and libraries. Stupid exercises like this are the equivalent of resistance training or lifting a heavy weight.

They’re going to improve your writing muscles and make you the language equivalent of Hercules

Summary? You won’t get more interesting as a writer but you’ll have more fun

In the paragraph above I played the last letter game

Every single sentence you write has to begin with the last letter of the previous line. Each time you start a new sentence in the comments to this piece, ensure the next sentence begins with the last…



Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: argumentativepenguin@outlook.com