How Many More Must Die Before Prince Andrew Becomes King?!?

There is only one true King of England. It’s Andrew The First and we shall have no dissent on the matter at all.

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


CREDIT: Queensland State Archives (1988) — Public Domain

I’ll put it out there. If we’re going to have a family of magical descent running the country then we should stop with all this primogeniture nonsense. We need to get back to the good old-fashioned days and encourage members of the family to murder each other for power.

I’m voting for the sort of thing that makes Prince Harry’s efforts to bring down the House of Windsor seem the blabbering verbal-salad of a disgruntled narcissist.

No offence to narcissists.

Not that they’d notice anyway. As you were. Being in the Royal Family should be like the Hunger Games and when it reverts back to this modus operandi, I have a clear favourite. The man who will climb to the top of Mountbatten Mountain.

Prince Andrew, the rightful King of England.

Some historical context

Up until 1982, Prince Andrew had ONE person to see off. One. His elder brother, and professional toby jug, Prince Charles. Now King Charles III. But, if you know your British history and I know you do… Prince Charles played an absolute blinder in 1982.



Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: