How Much Sauce Is Too Much Sauce?

I need the legalistic hive-mind of the internet to solve a complex moral question about side-orders and criminal intent

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


Photo by Prudence Earl on Unsplash

I’m taking a quick hiatus from my usual article about what’s wrong with society to talk about what’s wrong with my thought process. Ever since I was a young penguin I’ve always thought in right angles and arguments.

I’m always looking for loopholes. Not necessarily to exploit them but simply because they’re interesting. I’m interested in how laws are made and what that means for society in general.

This week I found one at the local pub. Lockdown is over and I went out with the significant other and ordered burger and chips (fries) for the first time in forever. I love chips (fries) and I love dipping them in ketchup.

In my culinary world carbs are what I use to transport more delicious items to my mouth. They’re nice to have on their own, but I prefer them to be covered in fat or sugar. I have a similar and problematic relationship with bread and butter.

Bread often constitutes the minor ingredient. Awkward.

Shuffling myself to an early grave through the medium of food is a hobby of mine. It is one of those little life pleasures that gets my cute little penguin…



Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: