Medium Needs You To Start Killing And RageAgainst The Machines

We need to talk about Remi and why I want her gone.

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


CREDIT: Author generated AI

I do not use the block button unless there is an extreme emergency unfolding. I don’t agree with it as a principle. I think it leads to echo chambers and people cultivating audiences of nodding sycophants. I don’t think it’s helpful for wider society and far too many people spend too much time in the company of those with whom they already agree.

I likely won’t block you for anything you say. You’re entitled to believe what you want and say what you want without having someone tattle on you.

That said, I have zero compunction about throwing robots under the bus. I’ve seen Terminator, I know where this is all heading.

A few weeks ago I wrote a quick thought piece about the arrival of the next generation of Medium writers. It did okay for those of you who wonder what it’s like in the life of a Medium big hitter. I netted a cool $16 for writing it, re-drafting it, running it through Grammarly, editing it and generating an exciting cover photo using AI.

Biggest. Hitter. Ever. Bigly writer.

Truth be told, I actually don’t mind. The piece is linked below if you want to go and squeeze it all the way up to $20 but don’t feel obligated…

