Oh, You Only Just Noticed That Monarchy Was Racist?

Thanks for joining the Republican cause.

Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular


CREDIT: Still from CBS

So it begins again. An avalanche of woke. Middle-class white people coming out of their little bubbles of ignorance and proclaiming that the British monarchy is racist!

‘The Firm’ is terrible. How dare they be racist to someone so precious and beautiful as Meghan! This cannot happen! We must, right this second, fire off a bunch of supportive memes and/or condemning memes. We must be heard! We have opinions and we must share them!

Or just be quiet for a bit and do some self reflection.

Why? Because you were the same bunch of zeitgeist chasing simpletons that applauded Meghan marrying into ‘The Firm’ in the first place. You’ve done a flip flop because the world has changed. Except it hasn’t. Have flags, will wave. Sound like you?

Here’s a very popular Medium race writer with 40K followers waxing lyrical about the Royal Wedding in 2018 but no longer able to stomach watching The Crown a few days ago because of the trauma and her lifelong aversion to Monarchy.

People are allowed to change their minds of course. But the monarchy was racist back then too, it hasn’t changed. This author makes buckets of money with every post. Such is the way the Zeitgeist is chased.



Argumentative Penguin
The Arctic Circular

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: argumentativepenguin@outlook.com